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Shriven Poems - Poems about Shriven

Shriven Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shriven to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shriven.
...HINDSIGHT 20 20 It was Atlanta, and not many years ago With the world crashing about my ears Pledges made and encouragement given Smiles and kisses seemed natural to me It was only selfishness......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, heartbreak, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Whats the current con-currancy
...Some had bank accounts taken t'was on the news this Situation' Though some reasons were given.! That these people were un-ruly Un-shriven? Yet that turned out a misnomer? Or a lie.? Maybe Jus......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, appreciation, change, character, culture,
Form: Rhyme

...FORGIVENESS They say that I should have forgiven Well, maybe could instead of should Such generosity of spirit is rare in me I am at heart, a somewhat cold entity If I were able to forgive, we......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, forgiveness,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Ash Wednesday
...Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday, the day to confess and repent As we enter the solemn season of Lent The ashes remind us that "Dust thou art" And one day from this world we will depart. Worldwid......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, inspiration, political, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Destroyer of Love
...Love so easy when stars align One kiss one touch you are mine We enter realm of truly sublime What went wrong? I missed first sign 'twas the criticism you did design no longer can I wors......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, heartbreak, heartbroken,
Form: Vaasokht

Premium Member Raining Down Commotions
...Raining down emotions, darkly enlightening interior memory re-experiences of exterior impassioned imagination events Nonviolent win/win images enlightening darkness of win/lose competitions ......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, health, integrity, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
My Testimony
...The day I had to force a smile, For a moment I was imbecile, I had to pretend just for a while, Unable to walk; I was immobile. Lying on that bed I was in great pain, But for a moment I con......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, allusion, god, imagination, jesus,
Form: Burlesque
...DREAMS A re-occurring dream I have with such A vivid set of sight and sound and touch That in that other world the question’s posed Is this only a dream soon to be closed? The answer oft as not......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lent
...Lent Malasada* Day was merrily spent Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras - many names are given To this final day before the season of Lent When around the world Christians are shriven. Now, "Dust th......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, appreciation,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Dancing Questions
...I have a lot of questions questions questions he repeats slowly swinging and dancing on our creaky screened porch swing. Radiant in fiery ginger godliness, mind centering omnipotence He......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, beauty, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Snow Day For the Dead
...If those buried beneath our boots could rise today, would they moan, turning shriven features to the frozen earth, or would they run to any patch of sunlight, make snow angels, heap-up snowmen, ......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bishop Bougram's Apology
...'Tis in a manner far from thrasonical That I come to you in full canonical What I chose to do was to instill my love On acolytes below while I was above When the holy Church I entered in my pr......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, addiction, child abuse, corruption,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Tall Ships Burn
...Burnished gold, aged bronze patinaed by the firelight singed by sullen Sol, not stayed by Poseidon's hand; aflame, aflame, tall ships burn, see their masts ignite. Impenitent, sky rains ash blac......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, art,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Peaceful Accounting
...Y/our relationship with ecology and economics incarnates polypathically, multisystemically therapeutic, like positive human relationships and richly fertile sacred dreams between DNA's biologica......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, earth, environment, nature, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Lover Forever
...Heard your shriven whine from the mountain, Here is me, just coming so close to you; Thirsty stone in water fall stream to go on and on; Bloody flower on shoot serves sweet fragrance, You don’t k......Read the rest...
Categories: shriven, deep, love,
Form: Free verse

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