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Dancing Questions

I have a lot of questions questions questions he repeats slowly swinging and dancing on our creaky screened porch swing. Radiant in fiery ginger godliness, mind centering omnipotence He is so far ahead of answers, I feel embarrassed to share them. But, in not sharing I become lost in caring what you might think of me, feel about we without sufficient daring. He swings a..l retentive in a whole new light of previously unrepresented delight. Ah! that could not be my question. A hypothesis, perhaps meriting further research; new questings. It feels important to me this questing for high and deep best male alert dessert thick and creamy, dreamy wave of carnal delight, absence of fright or fight in last and long dark nights on seas of swings just f.....g right. I want to squeeze these pulsing questings out of this maleness female mess so quickly complexly asked and chaos given Shriven of clothes but not masquerades of closet questions questing answers not yet hard and widely embraced formed invited graced q...r notions Of motions and emotions just right and left bilaterally in-between bicameral lusts and binomial leisure to swing all theories continuous polypathic polyphonic polyvagal polymetric ways Of in and out and rebellious shout for Earth's most carnal freedom of re-connecting polycultural con-scientific re-ligioning questions about straight and narrow meets wide and deep Why 1 slides so sexily into 0 shaped chakras of natural spiritual co-empathic pole and hole energy like nuts and bolts and male and female bi-polarities. So many questions, he gloriously proclaims in majestic awe meets lusty wonder As his bicameral feet gently invite our graced swing to sweep and seep with co-gravitating revolving Earth back to Spring and forth to Fall One late summer morning on our screened porch swing.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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