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Short Stirrup Poems

Short Stirrup Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Stirrup by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Stirrup by length and keyword.

one leg in the stirrup
swing the other leg over the top
ride off into the sunset...

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Categories: stirrup, funny,
Form: Haiku

Canuck Rebuke
A maple leaf fell off the flag
When Mounted Police hit a snag
Some maple syrup
Stuck to his stirrup
Voilà Sergeant Preston in drag!...

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Categories: stirrup, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Slurp and Then Usurp
Slurp and Then Usurp

Then there was the time that I did slurp
Up all of the things which I would usurp;
Pretty son get,
Stomach upset,
When I forgot to stick feet in each stirrup.

Jim Horn...

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© James Horn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: stirrup, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Not Acting His Age
Full-size toy made for kids, carved out of wood. In stirrup, my eighty year old dad could Not get atop the horse, With playful eyes, of course. He’s at it again, reliving childhood. 6/21/2018

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Categories: stirrup, age, dad, fun,
Form: Limerick
I Charge Within
I put a saddle on the wind,
and rode it through the storm

The bridle placed, the buckle cinched,
the reins, my horse reborn

Inside each stirrup passion spurs,
the present now in hand

Behind whose mane I charge within
—in search of who I am

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)...

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Categories: stirrup, conflict,
Form: Rhyme

To Charge Within
I put a saddle on the wind
and rode it through the storm

The bridle placed, the buckle cinched,
the reins, my soul reborn

Inside each stirrup passion spurs,
the present close at hand

Behind whose mane I charge within
—in search of who I am

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)...

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Categories: stirrup, wind,
Form: Rhyme
I Charge Within
I put a saddle on the wind,
  and rode it through the storm

The bridle placed, the buckle cinched,
  the reins, my horse reborn

Inside each stirrup passion spurs,
  the present now in hand

Behind whose mane I charge within,
 —in search of who I am

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)...

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Categories: stirrup, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Carmina Burana At 4 Am
A kaleidescope of cacophonic carols 
Attacks my cochlea 
From hammer to anvil to stirrup 
To the mesa we ride with timbrels and lyres. 
\Gaily tripping lightly stepping 
Through oceans of dandelions 
Trailing the greening dew heel after heel. 
The brae alive with pirouetting pansies and horns a-blare. 
\Pixilation personified 
The basso buffoon and bassoon collide 
Would the afternoon fawn still respect the Buck-in-the-morning?...

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Categories: stirrup, music,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member If Humans Chirped
If humans chirped, chirped, chirped
What would it sound like if they burped?

Would it sound like a chirp-up?
Or like they got their leg caught in a stirrup?

If humans chirped and ate and burped
Would it sound divine or like they lurched?

Would it sound as if they ate worms?
Or ate lobster and with the cook they came to terms?

Ahhh, lets just wonder what it would sound like
if humans chirped and if they would use a mic?

By Susan Mills...

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Categories: stirrup, funnysound, sound,
Form: Imagism

Book: Reflection on the Important Things