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Short Smugly Poems

Short Smugly Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Smugly by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Smugly by length and keyword.

Premium Member Quick and the Dead
There once a dare devil named Dan
smugly swung with only one hand
	forgot and let go
	of the rope in tow
sank in a thick pool of quicksand....

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Categories: smugly, fun, funny, giggle, humor, humorous, silly, smile,
Form: Limerick

Smug Smirk
I've long wanted to see
myself in truth's light,
the wrong and the right,

but fear scares me so,
pride boastfully says no,
so smugly smirking I go....

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Categories: smugly, introspection, life, people,
Form: Tail-rhyme
Premium Member What Shall I Pen

 Ah~ write  couplets, and no, nothing more.

 Then~ prance smugly out my front door?

 No, no, I just cannot do simply that!

  Will  be crazed as a hatter, who lost his hat!...

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Categories: smugly, conflict, funny, poetess,
Form: Couplet
On Time
Pray, do not rush time,
Sit smugly on the saddle
and enjoy the ride;
Just let it set its own pace,
Let it graze or run the race.

~"Syllables of Wisdom 3 contest by Silent One...

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Categories: smugly, time,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member The Chosen One
And I thought I was the chosen one... WRONG Someone else was ahead of me in the line all along This disturbeth me muchly Someone more smugly Thought I was the smugeth ahead of the throng

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Categories: smugly, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Romans Used Salt
Believe it or not, salt's been around forever Used to preserve food, those Romans were clever Walked around smugly Their skies were sunny Salt shakers on their tables, even at McDonald's

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Categories: smugly, science,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Wanna Bag
A guy goes into a drugstore to buy some condoms 'Do you want a bag?”cashier asks not seeing a problem “No she's not THAT ugly!” He answered smugly Using his billiards experience, the last shot he caromed

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Categories: smugly, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Wanna Bag
A guy goes into a drugstore to buy some condoms 'Do you want a bag?” cashier asks not seeing a problem “No, she's not THAT ugly!” He answered smugly Using his billiards experience, the last shot he caromed

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Categories: smugly, art, hilarious,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Random Rhymes
written September 4, 2021...

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Categories: smugly, humorous,
Form: Footle
Shardoma Poems
Shadorma Poems (the climate)

Icy blue
Sky… a deep freezer
Zephyr gone
Cold wind rules
We have had our summer time
Spring is a new hope.

Pale is sun
The king lost his crown
Fall of pride
Power failed
And La Luna smugly smiles
Fear of the king gone....

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Categories: smugly, seasons,
Form: Shadorma
Premium Member All Talk
Politicos prattle
their prating rattle,
will such rantings ever cease ?
Smugly they sanctimone
as listeners,inward groan;
With theories,so unreal
hypothesising on how we feel;
Will such arrogance condescend
listen,or unbend-
or is it all just talk
sans hard yards of walk.

Trust me,it won't happen again !...

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Categories: smugly, political,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Same Old Same Old
Politicos prattle
their prating rattle,
will such rantings ever cease ?

Smugly they sanctimone
as listeners,inward groan;
With theories,so unreal
hypothesising on how we feel;

Will such arrogance condescend
listen,or unbend-
or is it all just talk
sans hard yards of walk.

Trust me,it won't happen again !...

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Categories: smugly, people, political,
Form: Verse
Premium Member You Should Not Have Paid That
You should not have paid that she said.
Smugly. Haughtily. In a mean unkind ugly way.
I gave her my famous straight-lined smile.
The one I reserve for my enemies.

I would not have bought that, she told me.
Stuck up, aggressively, in a nasty, despicable way.
I did not even hear her this time.
She had ceased to be a part of my world now....

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Categories: smugly, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Silence is Golden
Witness the folly of the yammering crowd

Those that speak smugly and those that speak loud

Spitting out syllables the live long day

With nothing to show and nothing to say

A chorus line of mechanical mouths

A bevy of bores from the north to the south 

Wherever you go they're standing beside us

Let's pray that they all catch laryngitis...

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Categories: smugly, language,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Prolificate Things
I am the president of the Proliferating Society he told me smugly.
What do you do? I asked.
He thought for a bit. “We prolificate things”.
“Like what?”
We are currently prolificating private eyes.
Where do you prolificate them to?
We do not prolificate them to places, we just prolificate them.
Sounds like fun, I said. “Sign me up”, not really meaning it....

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Categories: smugly, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 9th
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Too Good To Be True

Politicos prattle
their prating rattle,
will such rantings ever cease ?
Smugly they sanctimone
as listeners,inward groan;
With theories,so unreal
hypothesising on how we feel;
Will such arrogance condescend
listen,or unbend-
or is it all just talk
sans hard yards of walk.

Trust me,it won't happen again !

re-post inspired by Lewis's contest...

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Categories: smugly, political, words,
Form: Verse
Premium Member The Buddha Casts No Shadow
The Buddha casts no shadow
smugly seated at high noon’s
forever present moment
a ripple-less façade placidly
ignoring its turmoil filled depth
masked in fates saturnine smile

a somber stoic’s silent grin
mocking the wind blown leaves
amused by time’s chaos

plumply sated in his idyll
disconnected from all things
the Buddha casts no shadow

John G. Lawless

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Categories: smugly, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Only Nine Dollars
Coffee on the go.
Only nine dollars.
Plus tax, which brings it up to sixteen dollars.
Plus a tip for pouring it, so wave your twenty good-bye.
In the seventies, we could feed a family of eight for a week on twenty dollars.
A great deal, my millennium daughter told me smugly.
Obviously she is too well educated to have ever made 
A quarter an hour to babysit seven children like we used to....

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Categories: smugly, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, father
Form: Free verse
For Whom the Pyres Burn
The smoke is rising
On the far horizon
The Eastern skies are aglow
With the countless fires,
Of funeral pyres
In numbers we cannot know,
Strange fires indeed
That burn for the need
Of oxygenated air.
And we, who stand so far away,
Are still left cold, and smugly say,
“We are here, and they are there.”
But it’s fools who stand and look on blind
At the smoke that’s carried on the westward wind.

© Barry Freeman	5th May 2021...

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Categories: smugly, death, humanity, life, relationship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Principle of Seed Sowing
The Principle of Seed Sowing By: Miracle Man 1-24-2019 Many endeavor to exist, By mooching fruits from others. Smugly sharing yours, When they have their druthers. But there's a lesson in life, They don't seem to grasp. Feeling entitled is an attitude, From which they must unclasp. An attitude of entitlement, Means they've taken a knee. But “You can't reap the fruit, Without first planting the tree.”

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: smugly, how i feel, society,
Form: Lyric
Emily , Come Sit By Me To Emily Dickinson
                             COME, SIT BY ME

                                  Sit by me --

We’ll watch the singing chicks of starlings searching --
Searching--hopping through the plucky dawn as the blue jumps from the sky--
Never finding the treasure sought that nestles smugly under the next stone.

                                     dedicated to Emily Dickinson...

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Categories: smugly, friendship, life, nature,
Form: Dramatic Verse
A flickering spark between you and me–
     grating of steel on steel and I shall flee!
When my opinion is not valued, and my way not chosen,
     I feel my blood hot—then becoming frozen.

Flee from conflict, flee from differences;
     Flee from everything when comes hindrances!

I will live in my box, so shallow and cold,
     and avoid every burden and shake off every load;
so here I sit smugly and never grow,
     rooted as a weed—never fruit to show!...

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Categories: smugly, anger, character, conflict, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pterodactyl

        Watching the movie
        ‘Extinction of Flying Reptiles’,
        overwhelmed girl dreamed of
        Pterosaurs for whole night.
        Went to school with no homework.

        Confronting scolding
       of teacher, smugly answered
       ‘An ugly flaming 
        Pterodactyl attacked,
       grabbed copy, ate my homework.’


     " And Then A Flaming Pterodactyl Ate My Homework '  

   Contest by John Lawless...

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Categories: smugly, bird, girl,
Form: Tanka

Book: Reflection on the Important Things