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Short Confided Poems

Short Confided Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Confided by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Confided by length and keyword.

Premium Member How About Table Tennis
'Ping-Pong' is wrong
        'Peng' confided 
     If 'Ping' is lopsided
     then 'Pong' is misguided 
        'Prong' decided...

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Categories: confided, giggle, silly, word play,
Form: Rhyme

A couple living in Ealing
Made love with passion and feeling
But his ardour subsided
When she confided
“It’s time you painted the ceiling”...

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Categories: confided, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Dickie Bird
My poor little dickie bird confided in me He'd give anything if he could only be free A zipper, to his chagrin Keeps dear dickie within So when I look down he's not looking at me

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Categories: confided, bird,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member My Dickie Bird
My poor little dickie bird once confided in me He'd give anything if he could only be free A zipper, to his chagrin Keeps dear dickie within So when I look down he's not staring back at me © Jack Ellison 2015

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Categories: confided, silly,
Form: Limerick
You Lead, I'll Follow
So many things we talked about
So many things we shared 
Confided I in you, no doubt 
To you my soul was bared
I sense perhaps you want no more
To talk about these things 
So I'll step back while you decide
On what each new day brings...

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Categories: confided, i love you, i miss you, longing,
Form: Rhyme

The Other Side
In vile defeat I confided to helplessness
I cringed knowing I know so little
As inadequate as I am I felt responsible 
I felt responsible to know everything

In this mentality I suffered long nights
Over thinking myself and overlooking life
Until I gave up the pain for a little while
And took a deep, dark look to the other side...

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Categories: confided, absence, allegory, analogy, angst, change, confusion, corruption,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Woman Who Listened
She was a woman who listened.
She had those Bambi-interested eyes.
People gravitated to her as if she was chocolate.

Many strangers confided in her
Telling her secrets they would not have told their mothers
She kept their confidence, becoming a one time friend

A woman on an airplane
A woman on a bar stool
A woman who listened...

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Categories: confided, woman,
Form: Free verse
Got my fiction of reliability
sitting by the dawn
watching the clouds loft by
I am much better off
without you
i have only myself to blame
Let the fog elope me 
from your memory
Love and permanence need no confession
they are the wayward sons of storms confided
Got my loneliness together
sitting by the cold impression of  tomorrow...

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Categories: confided, anger, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
A Weeping Willow Mourns
Answer me, oh Willow Tree
     As you weep so low
Only trouble do I see
      Why do your tears flow

Has the wind not confided
     That love will humble all
That though we are divided
     We’ll bond before we fall

Answer me, oh Willow Tree
     Is your sorrowing for me


Contest: 10 lines, 5 words, Rhyme II
Sponsor: Laura Loo...

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Categories: confided, america, life, sorrow, tree,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Wish I Knew Her Name
She was a cartoon, but he fell in love with her any way.
I wish I knew her name! He confided to his grandmother.
She is a cartoon! His grandmother replied, she does not have a name!
It hurt her feelings, so she disappeared, never to grace his computer again.
He resented his grandmother for this faux pas for the rest of his life.
Holding a grudge because she never came back.
Not even in his dreams....

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Categories: confided, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Skunk Cat
Skunk cat had a distinct wildly artistic look
His mama was a hairdresser that rarely got shook
She fixed him up with tattoos, stickers, and such.
You look odd, someone said. Are you Dutch?

He did not know his heritage, but he loved his mother.
So, he only confided in his oldest confidential brother.
I look ridiculous, but I do not want to hurt her in any way.
So, I pretend this is normal, no matter what others say....

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Categories: confided, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 7th
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Diamonds In the Water
The mystical fairy sprinkled diamond starlight onto the water.
Six or eight forest elves came out to watch. 
A robin whistled.
A forest owl hooted.

The crescent moon smiled his appreciation.
The lake was glistening in a magical way now.
Will it stay? A novice pixie asked in a hush voice.

It will last forever, a mushroom elf confided. 
That is the ethereal lovely lake loving fairy. 
Her magic lasts happily forever after....

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Categories: confided, fairy, fantasy, water,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Pssst Can You Keep a Secret
Pssst, Can You Keep a Secret? Written: by Tom Wright 6/21/2018 Thoughts are owned, but upon becoming words are shared, And secrets quickly disappear when a tongue is impaired. Secrets cease to exist when more than one person knows, For each have best friends and your secret they’ll disclose. If we’ve confided in a friend just because we were bidden, The cats out of the bag and our secret no more hidden;

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: confided, friend, words,
Form: Couplet
To Him My Dreams
I wrote my dreams on the sand
The floods came and washed them away
I wrote my dreams on a rock
Erosion buried them deep beneath
I wrote my dreams in the oceans
Not realizing how big it was
Only later I could not trace them
I trusted my dreams on my loved ones
Too bad they forgot
I went ahead and tried my enemies
You guessed right because crashed they did
I hid my dreams beneath my heart
Confided solely and fearlessly to Him
He never disappointed didn’t you guess...

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Categories: confided, religion
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Empathetic Spider Faerie
Deliberately delicate spider faerie of an empathetic mind
Sassily dreaming delectable ideas that could help mankind
Spinning them into sassy slices of serendipity, heaven hurled.
Easily encouraging and inspiring others in their dream world

As she spins their wishes and hopes into her fancy web
Nature’s forces resolve to leave her alone as seasons ebb.
She does us such a service, the sky confided to the wind.
Oh yes, the stars agreed; spider faerie is our forever friend....

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Categories: confided, fairy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When We Are Old
When I am old I will have a flower shop her grandmother confided.
It was as if it was the plan, something readily decided.
How old is old? The child asked her favorite being.
The grandmother laughed. “You’ll soon be seeing.”

When I am old I will sit across the street and watch, grandpa said.
I will watch those flowers get bought, and her cats getting fed.
I will enjoy my view of your grandmother, my lady, my wife.
The child was thrilled to have both of them in her life....

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Categories: confided, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents,
Form: Rhyme
I see the light but it is shielded from me.

I can't move because I am weighed down by my depression.

Will I be able to get up and push back the curtain?


Will I just stay confided in my bed pushing away the people who get close to me?

He wants me but the feeling of wanting anything has become numb.

Will my heart become cold like my fingers having frost bite from a winter storm?


But for now I must make up my mind or the one laying next to me will be gone forever....

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Categories: confided, depression, life, me,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member recognizing sound of a car door
I am feeling watched Goldie confided to Diamond Blue.
I don’t know about that, but the humans are long overdue.
The humans don’t worry me said Flash, the other goldfish.
I am worried about those furry ones, she said with a swish.

Diamond Blue’s eyesight was not good, so he was not worried.
The two cats watching jumped down and promptly scurried.
When they heard a car door slam, for they were not supposed to be
Anywhere near the goldfish bowl, so said the boss, Grandma Lee....

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Categories: confided, animal,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things