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Short Butted Poems

Short Butted Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Butted by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Butted by length and keyword.

Premium Member bed buddies
wet noses are cold 
 butted up against my face 
overtaking the bed...

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Categories: butted, animal,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Schooled In Oklahoma
When Len traveled to Oklahoma to obtain a ranching diploma a bull butted him hard out in the training yard and he but earned a hematoma.
... CayCay July 25, 2019 State Limerick Contest ...

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Categories: butted, abuse, animal, change, dream, graduation, humorous, school,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member the sky and I
a fast moving sky
fluffy grays with glimpses of white
it looks like a foreign planet butted up against earth
I watch it calmly float by
trying to see if it is rotating on an axle
it senses my interest and stops to study me
we stare at each other
the sky and I...

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Categories: butted, sky,
Form: Personification
Premium Member Bird Feeder Tragedy
Birds seem loud today
Their birdseed gone
Stolen by deer last night
One feeder destroyed

Butted up against tree trunk
Until she gave up,
Falling to the ground, 
in pieces

Delighting the deer
who feasted on 
ground served bird food
Cardinals are not happy...

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Categories: butted, animal, bird,
Form: Free verse
Craving to own a doe
Alone, begot he as his tool a mid-day brawl
With his foe,

And butted his
Foe bereft arms and had a fall
And this

Did draw 
Loin down - a small

Craving to own a doe…
Foe bereft arms and had a fall…

*A 3rd Place* in the following contest (judged on Sept. 30, 2020)

Sept. 1, 2020 
Let’s Minichu on Bizarre Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mohan Chutani...

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Categories: butted, conflict, crazy, hilarious,
Form: Rhyme

Admittedly Aries
If we have butted heads and you're feeling run over
If the words that I speak send you running for cover
If my swift, wicked comebacks can sting like none other
Know, as much as I fight, deep inside I'm a lover

I'll embrace the STRENGTHS and fight the WEAKNESS
But I'm not sure I'll ever be the type for MEEKNESS
Born the year of the SHEEP under the sign of the RAM
You can hate me or love me, but I who I AM...

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Categories: butted, april, happiness, star,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member those days are gone
I have five hobbies
Do them all day long now that I am retired
Cartooning, painting, poetry
Tv binge watching
Playing with my dogs
I used to garden
But my knees won’t bend any more
I swam and played racquetball in my youth
Those days are gone
Falling down is one of my biggest fears
Since I tore my ACL and meniscus
I have two big-butted dogs
I use a walker so they do not knock me down
Being old is not like being young
Do what you can now, while you still have a body...

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Categories: butted, me,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things