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Short Bon Voyage Poems

Short Bon Voyage Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Bon Voyage by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Bon Voyage by length and keyword.

Premium Member Final Trip
tearful final kiss
no luggage necessary
bon voyage my love...

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Categories: bon voyage, death, goodbye, i love you, love, sad,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Bon Voyage
When in Rome, do as the Romans do
    So I flew to New York, and I became you...

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Categories: bon voyage, change, confusion, identity, new york, travel,
Form: Couplet
Bon Voyage.
We christen thee Titanic
unsinkable, gigantic.
but lack of options cost her.
First one: a good defroster....

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Categories: bon voyage, funny, history, nostalgia, sea,
Form: Epigram
Rupture Poetrix
In the break of  romance
         each one must leave with
            "have luck"
           " bon voyage"...

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Categories: bon voyage, allusion, appreciation, humorous, imagery, lost love, wisdom,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage!
  Happy Trails!
Have a Wonderful Time!

Why are people so happy 
  to see me leave
If I never returned
  They'd no doubt be relieved...

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Categories: bon voyage, farewell, happy,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Gone In a Breath
Listen to poem:
Wispy smoke billows Steamy breath exhaled in swirls Like paper streamers Break free, gone in a moment Bon voyage to hopes and dreams

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Categories: bon voyage, loss,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Bon Voyage
She thought she was really hip the beauty queen of the ship, but she made my life hell so she went over the rail hope she likes a cool wet dip. 9/18/2017

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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bon voyage, humor, husband, wife,
Form: Limerick
Da Vinci's New Secret
An old sketch,
becoming a new one.
Black and white, 
what a pun!
Who laughs last, guess what?
Is best conqueror, thus,
de Parny, 
bon voyage Lisa, 
Sweet Sun...

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© Ali Ansari  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bon voyage, art,
Form: Rhyme
Bon Voyage
It was the worst kind of summer day
You said our path was not your way
You had roads to travel, places to roam
You couldn’t be tied down here at home
So off you went, backpack in hand
To travel and explore distant lands...

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Categories: bon voyage, age, emotions, lonely,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Voyage Home
Bon voyage
Final farewell
A wind is rising
Forgotten tunes chiming
Rivers flowing clear and cool
A sojourner at last returns
Paradise forgotten now recalled
A golden sunrise—ahh, yes—welcome home

Written 2/22/22...

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Categories: bon voyage, home, journey,
Form: Etheree
Premium Member Love's Lunacy
Lover’s Lunacy

Ah, togetherness
compressed hearts beating as one
salt water kisses linger.
How can I miss you
wave to you love’s bon voyage
if you will not go away.


submitted to – Oh how I miss you – poetry contest...

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Categories: bon voyage, irony, longing, love,
Form: Sedoka
Delusions of Grandeur- Bon Voyage
I rule the World just for a minute,
And all I see is MINE!
A sigh of Time that feels infinite-
Some stroll beyond the "borderline"
This Galaxy, it belongs to ME!
Like Alice through the "Looking Glass"
How sweet this mental Odyssey!
Too bad it never, ever lasts......

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Categories: bon voyage, journey, stars, time, world,
Form: Rhyme
Like a Wind.
Bon Voyage,Love to grasp.
In return happiness I find.

Like a Regal Aura of Current.
From place to place,Slowly and Gently.
Only to Find a Land to Rent.

I hope for Love.
Better days ahead.
Peace so Priceless like a Dove.


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Categories: bon voyage, africa, age, art, bird, deep, discrimination, environment,
Form: Free verse
I have fallen into an unearthly pit of darkness
The walls have all but closed in 
A glimpse of light has creeped in through a tiny crevice 
Hopes and dreams are fading into the darkness 
Pessimism is setting in as the light retreats
Love, my long lost friend 
Goodbye and bon voyage...

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Categories: bon voyage, change, conflict, confusion, cool, crazy, dark, light,
Form: Free verse
La Muse Bouche
I say to le "grand fromage".
You and your pastiche attachè.
You with all your rakish, cliche.
You think you're so Debonair.
You with another au pair.
You and one more rendezvous.
You again it's déjà vu.
You and another faux pas.
You always with Au revoir.
I say so much "bon voyage....

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Categories: bon voyage, french, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme
Monument To Kids In a Sceptic Tank
Awareness drifts in a pool of sinew, flesh, fat, muscle, cartilage, hair, nail, bone, sodden skin, fluid, bile, excrement, blood, swirling in the maelstrom; in its belly thought. 
Clarity forgotten, dissolved, flushed down the drain without Mercy. 
Bon Secours,
Bon Voyage.
©dbyrne June 2014...

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Categories: bon voyage, allusion, death, dedication,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bon Voyage
Bon voyage. Out to sea. A luxury cruise.
Out to sea. Things UNKNOWN about this sea.
Cruising away with warmth in tow 

One serene ocean was seen
While venturing out alone on deck
An orca had been noticed, a 
KILLER WHALE  in its natural home.

A habitat mostly UNKNOWN.
Bon voyage killer whale 

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Categories: bon voyage, boat, fish, sea,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Go, If You Must
you must,
bon voyage,
but I implore, please...
gift-wrap me memories so rich 
they can't be bought with all of the money in the world;
make my soul fly with your parting embrace, and bless me with...
                                                                moments that linger and burn.

 (Modified Fibonacci)

Date written: 01/13/2022...

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Categories: bon voyage, desire, passion,
Form: Fibonacci
Bon Voyage Jack Sparrow
Swash buckling, quirky, crazy kinda guy
Scared you to death with one look from his eye
His reign has come to an end
JD’s spirit doth transcend 
Winks mischievously as he waves goodbye

Written: 10th April 2019
Contest:  Pirate Themes Limerick
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin
4th place

Syellables Per Line:	10 10 7 7 10

Contest Strand no 730
Sponsor Brian Strand
3rd Place...

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Categories: bon voyage, character, farewell, scary, sea,
Form: Limerick
Final scene 
last act 
end of day 
cue dimming lights 
improvised speeches 
scripted words 
in an unwritten play

Clean stage 
trodden boards 
one man show 
cue spotlight filters 
cut the prompts 
a lit cigarette 
with a tangerine glow 

Exit time 
off stage left 
empty halls 
cue silence and still 
fondest memories spill 
bon voyage, break a leg 
curtain falls......

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© Tony Bush  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: bon voyage, friendship, life, loss,
Form: Verse
It's a Beautiful Day
Setting aside this moment within time; searching, for that heart of gold....
Deep inside these intangible tides: see the birds with the leaves in their mouths
After life's floods, all the colours came out ? Silence, amid propitious stillness
Saying no man, today we fly; write your own song, this one's mine ? Skeleton keys turning
Light, stepping past their portal and bon voyage: sailing atop crestive waves whirlwinds, be love....

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Categories: bon voyage, baby, love,
Form: I do not know?
My Travel Story
As the morning glory blooms,

My mind as fresh as an untouched loom,

Still with all the day's unsettled errands,

Yet dreaming to visit South Africa's Kurland,

For a week's retirement,

But a sound sleep is enough for refinement

at my home, sweet home

But this outer world ,a charming honeycomb

Indeed travelling is a pile of buoyage

Yet no one to tell me a happy -Bon Voyage !



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Categories: bon voyage, adventure, desire, family, home, memory, mother, travel,
Form: I do not know?
Bon Voyage
Begin to dream 
Begin to fly 
It's cold out there  
But don't be shy 

Show me that face 
Let's see that smile 
Each new day's a test run 
An experiment, a trial 

There are those who know you 
And ones who wish they could 
But sometimes it gets tough 
Please let me in?
I wish you would 
Each day's an adventure 
So let's tie our capes nice and tight 
There's no turning back now! 
With your hand in mine, this will be a nice flight....

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Categories: bon voyage, adventurenice, me, nice,
Form: Rhyme
Bon Voyage
Shipwrecks, Ye Sailors, take courage,
  the bounty is beyond the reef.
  Oh fortunate ones, seek destiny,
  the journey is in your belief!

  Turn the wheel gently, not lonely,
  and share with the Captain of souls.
  Bring me the gold and the booty,
  and be at peace with your goals.

  Your sails, are they tossed to the wind,
  but your stern, does it steady the bow?
  Shipwrecks, Ye Sailors, take courage,
  the time of your destiny is now!...

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Categories: bon voyage, destiny, dream, endurance, faith, farewell, imagination, inspiration,
Form: Classicism
Odd, Triumphant One
Keep your head up high!
Bon Voyage! 
One - dwelling in light 
Let your courage soar with joy 
I've dream'd of angels - cradling me close
Your legacy's hidden - you deserve glory
Blessings belong to you - you must go 
So, farewell to you...until
We meet again - wishing you the best 
As you travel on before the warm sunrise
Embraces you with sunlit honour
Let your freedom of speech soar
Are you still brave, odd
Sail to shore,
Oh! Vigilant MATE!...

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Categories: bon voyage, adventure, angel, art, beauty, best friend,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things