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Shoeshine Poems - Poems about Shoeshine

Shoeshine Poems - Examples of all types of poems about shoeshine to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for shoeshine.
Premium Member Where Is a Womans Place
...Gee, how we blame our culture for starting this! Oh, how ignorant can we be! We blame men as evil and macho? Yet we drooled when younger over Ralph Macchio. Ask any woman who gets up at three!......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, conflict, home, women, work,
Form: Rhyme
Shoelaces and Change of Climate
...I first noticed a change in Climate, When my shoes started to outlast their laces, Which I thought unusual at the time, As I had come to think of it as an unwritten law, Probably one of Murphy's,......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, age, analogy, appreciation, beauty,
Form: Burlesque

Premium Member Canary Collusion
...It was after Mom’s dad passed her mom bought canaries. Grams felt life less lonely, I think, with their singing, and gave her idea that flying the coop to live close to my mom could be Southland f......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, humor, political, race, ,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Shot In His Behind
...Wendell just getting off work, And was headed home by way of his favorite place to chill, a lively place called Pharaoh’s bar & grill. With the hope of winning, his retirement one day, Wendel......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, confidence, fate, happiness, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Woman's Place Is In the Home
...Gee, how we blame our culture for starting this! Oh, how ignorant can we be! We blame men as evil and macho? Yet we drooled when younger over Ralph. Macchio. Ask any woman who gets up at three......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, america, family, home, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

A Bigger Slice of Sky
...A Bigger Slice of Sky The sky was only visible in long narrow slices while we played on one-way Brooklyn streets Thick with kids apartment houses one next to the other lined the sidew......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, city, growth, moving on,
Form: Free verse
No Umbrella
...There is always something to write about I don’t know what you are talking about There is always something to write about So take out your pen and spell it out I was trying to book a ticket for a......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, anxiety, appreciation, beautiful, business,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Look Back At Eighteen Months Here-The Show Is Over
...A Look Back at Eighteen Months Here-The Show is Over When your poems reside in a shoe, like mine, pounding the pavement to nowhere. The onset of blisters isn't imagined. Those blisters take ro......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, change, sad, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Lost Dear Your Forest Cries
...My Lost Dear Our Forest Cries Our forest cries My little dear In spite of tears The lone nature does howl On one side sits a lake with ducks Sitting along the tree line of life And under bu......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, lost love, , cute,
Form: Free verse
S, J
...Shoeshine Joe. Thruppence for a shoeshine, that's what Joe will shout. Tuppence for a bulling up as he smiles and looks about. Drumming up trade these days is harder than before his dad was a l......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, children, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Cosmic Shoeshine
...this one goes out to all you symbolphrenics wink wink light the fuse and bow only before your own image for we are each a TV studio with really huge detector molecules recall that consciousness ......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
The Time Between
...Golden grace, Mirror and shoeshine, Down at dawn, Casting shadows, Like hands tick-tocking, Tick–tocking, Tick-tick-tocking, Bells, Like bombs wait, Wait waiting, Wait wait waiting, In cor......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, day, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Shoe Shine Boy
...Hey boy Shoeshine boy Shoeshine boy Why you whistle s......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, happiness, pride, symbolism, boy,
Form: Free verse
...Saturday mornings extra early I would rise, Watch as my hero would sail through the skies. Eating my corn puffs, with you I’d cheer, “There’s no need to fear, Underdog is here. “ With Simon Bar......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, adventure, child, dog, flying,
Form: Rhyme
The Tantalizing Rabbit
...The rabbit here attached so tightly that it engages with delight. How the butterflies in the trees resemble the birds mirage. Light as air in the drift. They make their waves appear. W......Read the rest...
Categories: shoeshine, angel, baby, beautiful, bereavement,
Form: Classicism

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry