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Sermon Poems - Poems about Sermon

Sermon Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sermon to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sermon.
Sermon In the Sheets
If he exists or not is not the point It is faith that keeps us on Words from pops, words of soul So every Sunday is church day But the preacher has me in knots He assumes...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, christian, god, how i
Form: Free verse
A Sermon In The Spirit Of Love And Compassion
Beloved souls, hear me as I speak, thus is my life, a hymn of compassion, an eternal psalm of love. I walked amongst the lowly not with pity but with understanding, for in their suffering, I...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member My sermon at my funeral
My sermon at my funeral I am lying in the funeral home, oh lovely home! I am saying the homily in front of my dead body I am the priest, the mourners are my past lives. Oh, my sins! Four...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, death, funeral, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sermon on the Ark
(Dedicated to Sniffers.) We are All animals, humans too every One of us, me and you God breathed life into Adam and Eve, into each creature. Atoms unperceived The animal kingdom is the Kingdom of God: A harmony without heirarchy, below...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, allah, bird, butterfly, creation,
Form: Rhyme
A HUMAN RIGHT SERMON ...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, 8th grade, betrayal, death,
Form: Rhyme

An Atheist Shakes the Bishop's Hand
The ring depicts a promise of fidelity. I smile as you stand in your cloak. That headgear is the symbol of the tongues of fire. I smile as you receive that formal mitre, while that pastoral staff is a...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, christian, god, religion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Fun Church
Sunday morning sardines Sing trademarked sermons No gain, guitars must be clean To harken out the predetermined Donation cards in cursive fonts A prayer for a new patio to Crosses finished like their countertops Their fair-weather faith up for review This is for...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, christian, faith, nostalgia, rude,
Form: Rhyme
A personal Sermon
Dear heart, Please take a break I know this feeling, I have had this feeling before It soothes at first, beguiling flings Which shines, too Sometimes brighter than goddess Theia I know the comforts, the placidity it yields And the euphoria! Dear...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, betrayal, change, conflict, depression,
Form: Free verse
Sunday Sermon
kindly air big mouthing every throat lungs suck until drunk maggie has gone shopping with alexa they back and forth with girlish glee while songbirds listen to the electronic voice of god aunty agatha went for a naked moonlit walk the racoons began...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Sunset Sermon
In the crepuscular soothing sunset, bells tolled urging The aimless audience to attend the sermon of the new pastor. Despite their cynical sentiments, they dared not absent themselves. The look of habitual satisfaction on the pastor’s face was...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, mentor,
Form: Free verse
I Hear a Sermon
I Hear the Sermon I go to church, hear the word Given by the preacher in his homily: Retaining a sentence, phrase or word Only that which finely suits me. I feel satisfied to have heard The word, pleasing to...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, religious,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sermon From Mt Everest
I used to sleep with depression and kiss shame on the cheek Trying to run from all the lies, but myself was chasing me I was drowning from all that I cried but let me tell you...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, bible, birth, depression, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
The Greatest Sermon
I wish to be the Greatest sermon to the multitude the practical Christian living I wish people to see the fruits of Christ in me before I even say a word or act a deed People just believe...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, appreciation, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sunday Sermon
In a Sunday sermon… The preacher told us this – Listen to the still small voice, Who whispers peace and grace, The voice of a Savior, Jesus – the divine, Who abides in heaven, awaiting His time To shine! The preacher mentioned...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, christian, faith, hope, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Soup Creek Sermon
Reviewing the Scriptures of old God knew what should not be foretold But we must confess Mankind could care less We want to know who gets the gold...Read the rest...
Categories: sermon, humor,
Form: Limerick

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