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Senses Poems | Examples of Senses Poetry

Senses Poems - Examples of all types of senses poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for senses.
Premium Member Of All Those Memories
Of all those memories that come around, each with boundless beauty or fond remorse, yours flood frenzied dreams with troubling abound of all those memories My mind, muddled, alters its centered course. Your voice echoes with its hypnotic sound as I...Read the rest...
Categories: beauty, dream, memory, senses,
Form: Roundel
Where Worry's Waves Subside
The mind, a tempest, whipped by restless thought, A surging sea where waves of worry crash, And peace, a distant, fragile bloom, unsought, Is lost within the moment's frantic dash. But stillness waits, a refuge gently wrought, Where inner silence...Read the rest...
Categories: senses,
Form: Ottava rima

Echoes of Eternity
Echoes of Eternity, Rippling around me. Energies of Entities, Fill a space I can't see. I feel them clearly, Its just my Theory. Sometimes it's scary, My energy gets hairy. Remembering I AM Light, I don't fight. I say It's Alright, They stay just out of...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Still Pond's Echo
Mind's a still pond, so dark and deep, Where ripples spread, while shadows sleep, And thoughts, like pebbles, softly fall. Silence holds clamor in its thrall, When the world lets it start to creep, When vast wisdom begins to sweep The...Read the rest...
Categories: senses,
Form: Rondeau
Premium Member LOVE LYRICAL a Devotion Series Poem for Us
Play only love songs For tonight’s starshine hours, with its winking Constellations all Hailed And wished upon To make this night completely Ours ~ and keep love’s longing Lasting Here wuthin us Near ...Read the rest...
Categories: giving, love, romance, senses,
Form: Prose Poetry

Lockdown. Lockdown. Lockdown. We’re all huddled in a corner, eyes squeezed tight. The lights are all off, we’re deprived of the light. Maybe if I keep my eyes closed it will all go away. There...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, 10th grade, angst, anxiety,
Form: Limerick
Reaching Lights
In stillness I freeze, Seizing being Free, Staring into Trees. Neurons inside of me, Firing Constantly. Sending and Receiving, Little lights Reaching. Achieving heights, Beyond conceiving. Thoughts Breezing, Through its branches. Lights Grabbing Chances, According to feel. Dancing with Ideas, Becoming Real. Electric Lights, Guide the wheels. Pulling up Emotions, Going through the...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Twisted Senses
I've been listening to your eyes And tasted ecstasy I've been glancing at your skin And smelled zest I've been feeling your tongue And heard fragrance I've been savoring your nose And saw melody I've been breathing into your ear And felt elegance...Read the rest...
Categories: allusion, feelings, perspective, senses,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Stunning
Stunning When my soul screamed, the birds in the hedges grew silent. ————————...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, angst, anxiety, bird, feelings,
Form: Monoku
Lights Out
When the lights go dim And we no longer visualize But a shadow in the distance We look hard Only to a blur Through a glimmer of light Slowly vanishing Til one Can no longer see ...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, change, courage, dark, image,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Divine Majesty
I hear the stars in the sky that others cannot see I see...Read the rest...
Categories: heaven, music, senses, stars,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member To My Brothers in Blue
Originally published in Out On a Limb, an Anthology for Friends June 2020 You hate me for my color. You hate me for our differences. You hate me for my successes. You call me names. You call me useless. You...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, anger, black african american,
Form: Free verse
Tears of innocence
The war stains my eyes, Of unheard screams. So loud that I think, My eardrums will bleed. I'm centered on ground. The dirt beneath my feet, The crumbling society. And the guns taking my seat. My wife is dearly missed, Dead or Alive. If I...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, death, i miss you,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Senses
the moon shines above snow crunches under my feet ...Read the rest...
Categories: senses, moon, night, snow,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Thought of the day
Having lived not what mind has understood, the truth of existence is not yet known, so resting thought flow, let us learn by touch and in the vibrant void, consciousness hone....Read the rest...
Categories: senses, silence, spiritual,
Form: Quatrain

Specific Types of Senses Poems

Definition | What is Senses in Poetry?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things