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Sense Of Humor Poems - Poems about Sense Of Humor

Sense Of Humor Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sense of humor to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sense of humor.
April 17 Prove something God’s Demented Sense of Humor
April 17—Prove something God’s Demented Sense of Humor I sometimes think That God if he/she/it exists And created the Universe Must have a demented Sense of humor. For how else you can explain Why he created a parasite That hides in your system Totally...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, environment, god, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Six Ghost Has a Sense of Humor
Two wild active Halloween spirits are spookier than most. Sally senses them in the attic with her usual ghost. I saw two of them but kept quiet, for I do not like to boast. They wander in and...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, halloween,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member No Sense of Humor
Above her pretty head, swirled this dread rumor She'd absolutely no sense of humor ~ Why? No one understood She found jokes dull as wood ~ Seems...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, father daughter, giggle, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Fraction of My Sense of Humor
A fraction of my sense of humor retains and loves full blown sarcasm mode. I have to watch it at work. I deal with children. They are experts at it. At home my husband catches my barbs in his...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, marriage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Sense of Humor
A rare gift That gets one through The most rugged of life's terrains. A medicine For the soul Worth more than the most expensive gem; More valuable than Material things. Oftentimes used to cushion to soften emotional blows. a wondrous gift that...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, appreciation, humor, life, perspective,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Sense of Humor
It’s amazing how a sense of humor, can change the intake filter and quash a rumor. Lightness with brevity that comes with a spontaneous smiles,Can change the attitude of Chi town, LA, or even New...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, happiness,
Form: Free verse
Nocturia, Rap, Lyric, Crossover
ooh! wee! I've gotsta gets up and pee it is the late night's wee, wee! i gotsta go and pee-e can't hold it in it about to blow in thee wind can't hold it back its about to be a late night warm water attack so grab it by...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, dance, funny, giggle, hip
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Does God Have a Sense of Humor
Does God Have A Sense Of Humor? By: Miracle Man (New Years Eve 2019) On the evening preceding this New Years Day, Two decades have passed since fearing Y-2K. Renewed thoughts in most minds continue churning, As we relive a time...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, god, new year,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Sense of Humor
Be Able To laugh at Absurdities Of life. Never take yourself seriously Date written and posted: 06/27/2018...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, humor, life, self, wisdom,
Form: Tetractys
Sense of Humor
sense of humor never able to show you that funny aspect of my personality never was able to revel to you my hidden fun side something always held my true personality back from making an...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Who Ever Made My Potty Had a Sense of Humor
feeling holy every time i sit on the ring of the toilet labeled church for every one to see my soul is less than clean as I lower the lid to read the brand of the unit porker...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, senses,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Her Sense of Humor
A slight hint of consternation was in her voice, “Why did you tell those people I’m deaf and dumb?” “I never said you were deaf, my Dear.” She laughed, but I kinda felt like a bum. Hell. It...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, angst, best friend, care,
Form: Rhyme
A Sense of Humor Part 2 of 2
" A Sense of Humor ... " ( A Satirical Moral ) (Part 2 of 2) A Sense of Humor - Gets Us Thru This Life A Sense of Humor - Gets Us Thru The Night A Sense of Humor...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, humor, humorous,
Form: Free verse
A Sense of Humor Part 1 of 2
" A Sense of Humor ... " ( A Satirical Moral ) 'Somewhere, There's A Sense of Humor' Said The Jack In The Box 'We Keep A Sense of Humor' Said The Gambler's Tokens At The Slots 'I Don't Like...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, funny, humor, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Sense of Humor
Sometimes my sense of humor can be dark, blue and risky, but I figure that as long as people are laughing along with me, what's the difference if my humor is clean, gory or dirty?...Read the rest...
Categories: sense of humor, humorous, humor,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry