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Scourge Poems - Poems about Scourge

Scourge Poems - Examples of all types of poems about scourge to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for scourge.
Life in a Jar
Life in a Jar I’d like to find a special jar To put aside some life, A jar that keeps both face and form, And stints the scourge of change. I’d put therein, a rusted leaf, Or summer’s one perhaps, To...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, i am, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member His Life, A Scourge
Stubborn, submerged Stubborn ~ emerged ...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, life, sad,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Scourge of Addiction
Heroin, China white, or just smack, took him into lost dreams and an altering of gritty reality Chasing the dragon, didn’t seem enough to balm a wounded psyche Losing to lust demons An iconic face of his late father A boy...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, addiction, drug, recovery from,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Scourge of the West
The meanest man in town, That everybody feared. Shot anybody down, When anybody neared. The scourge of the West, And the ultimate sinner. The Devil gets the best, From Dirty Dick Skinner. Had a scar on his cheek, With a patch on his eye. He'd...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, death, december, winter,
Form: Rhyme
The Scourge of the Future
March 12, 2022 The glass ball slips from my grasp Broken shards scrape the surface I let the ground taste my tears The droplets leave behind unmarked graves...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, 9th grade, angst, anxiety,
Form: Verse

Premium Member A Modern Scourge
Pandemic raging around our world Covid-19, Delta and Omicron Deny it not too many interred Don't drop the ball we will fight on. True we have rights but remember this We're fighting unseen merciless foe Forget about freedoms that's not remiss Sickness,...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, courage, fear, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Dandruff Scourge
My shoulders are alive with dandruff Been blessed with it since I was a pup Why me I shout This frustration I spout Maybe shove dandruff shampoo up my butt...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, anxiety,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Scourge
The Scourge Written: by Miracle Man 4/5/2020 An invisible scourge has caused life to take a new direction. Our days have become a time of uncertainty, and Social Distancing has brought sadness and fear to many. As the world seeks to...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, angst, death, emotions, god,
Form: Free verse
Breath Taking Scourge
It started when he coughed. Then we made jokes and laughed, Hoping the curse we are is vindicated. But the malady on lungs it feasted. In its toxic smolder we chocked. Rich and poor our doors we locked In desperate timid...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, africa, god, grave, grief,
Form: Couplet
Of the Dreaded Scourge Currently Afflicting the Municipality and Environ of My Nativity and Youth
This dread disease that has afflicted my home, This malady, this plague on my house; This making convertible the former quaintness and provincialism thereof Into something wholly despicable and disgustingly homogeneous, Yclept "cosmopolitanism," and "worldliness," and "globalization,"...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, adventure, allegory, allusion, anger,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member That Dandruff Scourge
My shoulders are alive with dandruff Been blessed with it since I was a pup Why me I shout This frustration I spout Maybe shove dandruff shampoo up my butt © Jack Ellison 2015...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, fun,
Form: Limerick
Prejudice a Scourge
A scourge Of mankind. Hate A person Before we talk and walk That is no way Right. It is every way Wrong. want a special kind Of prejudice. wish to pre-judge Everyone beautiful Lovely gorgeous Redeemed Forgiven And love them feel them like them Before speak to them Or hear them speak. Before know them personally who they...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, forgiveness, freedom, giving, heart,
Form: Free verse
The Scourge
as you stand still, i move within and throughout you, slipping into the spaces you have yet to discover about yourself. i cling to the hollowed spaces, sinking my teeth into the soft, immature lining...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, addiction, pride,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Tired of the sufferation Real menace of earths apparition Dont judge me with my appearance We are the great ones No time to mingle with pagans No religion I believe in no legion Tread the right road even if in poverty Try...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, inspiration
Form: ABC
God,these companies are a scourge! Please stop ringing me is all I urge. Ringing me every day, why don't you just go away. I don't want to take your call, I might not answer it at all. So please don't ring me anymore, like I've...Read the rest...
Categories: scourge, angst,
Form: Free verse

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