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Scat Poems - Poems about Scat

Let's rhyme
Laara was a lady of fat, ...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, 6th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Yes Put In Prison
yes put in prison bad really bad not unprovoked coup ten four nearly half score different tongues east west religion allegiance outside virgin merrika break promise bill george barry donny angie admit minsk buy time pump...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, anger, history, humanity,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Scat, Cat
*** Scat, Cat! *** No! Cat, don’t paw That yarn ball I use to crochet. Go! Scat, cat! You won’t like so much my scolding you more at all. Stop! Scat! Don’t...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, cat, fun, happy, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stray Cat Scat
Stray cat, cool sleek alley cat, A vivid tan, with mottled black, In soft moonlight, creeping back, To the scented nights of lilac! One eye of brown, one of blue, The shadows always welcome you, And you go where they take...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, cat, color, freedom, moon,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Kitty Ktty Scat Kat Sitting On My Hathat-
Here kitty, kitty No! wait to stop that Scat cat the condescending, contented cat sat on my hideous, hilarious hat 7/9/20 written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2020 ©...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, adventure, analogy, cat,
Form: Alliteration

Scat Skene
Raised above the cello ding ding ding ...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, cheer up, fun, humorous,
Form: Lyric
squirrel chattering scat dog...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, animal,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Scat Colored Walls
The septic stench of desolation has followed me into a quagmire of depression and self-loathing. And scat-colored walls weep neglect upon my fragmented soul. My life is like a puzzle, missing a few pieces, all jumbled up and fallen into...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, angst, depression, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Skit Scat Scram Skadattle
Skit, Scat, Scram, Skadattle. Get, going, and gone. Won't be back, until the break of dawn. We sat down town.Wearing a funny frown. Me and my little lady.In her little night gown. Skit, Scat, Scram, Skadattle. Get, going, and gone. Won't be...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, abuse, society,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Shoo, Scat You Darn Cat,
As I walked a ' black cat crossed my path I said shoo, I said scat He stared, looking me in the eye As if to ask me why. It was as if to say "did the cat...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, funnycat, me,
Form: Rhyme
SCAT... I don't want to play. L isten: Don't 'meow!' O utside with you, please. V acate my house now. E veryone will sneeze! Y onder is a pine tree. O ut with every claw. U nder the next shade tree B athe...Read the rest...
Categories: scat, animals
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry