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Sate Poems - Poems about Sate

Sate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sate.
Premium Member I swear to tell the truth
... The whole truth and nothing but the fu(king truth That laws, and math, only help solve local temporary problems, All of which fall way short on the infinite needs scale were we rely on ......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, how i feel, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Moving Forward
...MOVING FORWARD REHAB Record 2025/01/25 09:57:23.webm Moving forward, my time at rehab. One door and corner at a time. On time here at the door. There, at the table. Eat or play. Group it......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, abuse, addiction, depression, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member My Hubby Cheated On Me
...You lied I cried Lie low Hello My dear Her rear Was flake You snake Slitter Hitter Batter Scatter Foul balls Who falls I did You squid I plea Leave me Your eyes L......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, lost love,
Form: Footle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Lullabies of Thunder
...The sun has taken a day off, sleeping in blankets of silver while the Earth dances a slow pirouette, like the venerable ballerina she is, on her axis. I ponder the grayness while thinking......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, Lullaby, sleep, weather,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Uncertainty
...Looking back, while looking forward Am I really sate to go Backwards, when I’m going onward Pacing fast and sometime slow One road ends, then goes another Same exactly as the old Where to go t......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, depression, philosophy, psychological,
Form: Rhyme

My Primordial Wound
...Taken away at birth... Damaged to human touch... So I don't like to feel much... Me and my primordial wound. I have a hole in my chest... one that food, sex and drugs cannot sate... so please......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, depression, family, grief, loneliness,
Form: Lyric
...Now I am quite realistic Never ever fatalistic Fantasy never tickled my fancy So you can understand my surprise From their daunting size On the streets of New York My air left me as if released......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, humor, surreal,
Form: Narrative
Rise Up From The Dust
...I know which way I want to go to start a brand-new show I know which way I want to go So, lead the multitude to the square and I will meet with you there I will break away from the lot and bui......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, america, birth, change, city,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Mother's Daughter
... This night, I only smiled. My face a cherub's joy. I, my mother's daughter, sought to sate my hunger. What life might I slaughter? This night, I only smiled. Blood-red, my spewing l......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, death, halloween, mother daughter,
Form: Monchielle Stanza
Premium Member Butterfly
... BUTTERFLY Fly O butterfly fly in the clear and sunny day Fly about in freedom in your haphazard way. Fly onto colorful flowers and plants giving sustenance away Fly as only you know h......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, beautiful, butterfly, celebration, fate,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Haunted Cemetery
...The story told by haggard sage, of evil born in days of yore, of blood filled eyes that never age and peer up at their coffin's door. The hunt that fate can never sate now prowls across the fo......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Parasitic revolution
...Most everybody can handle a few parasites but eventually it reaches critical mass the body runs low on flesh and laughs it begins a slow collapse from the inside out. America's body is infested......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, analogy,
Form: Free verse
Anti-Life, Part I
...You see the people on welfare, and wonder what’s keeping them there, the hand-outs breed dependency, why work if you get it for free? But those hand-outs don’t get you far, don’t buy a house, or......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, evil, family, how i
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imitation of Life
... He walks and talks like humans, he eats and sleeps and winks. But like a piece of rotting meat, this imitation stinks. He’s void of all humanity, each smile is just a guise. This fake is li......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, political, racism,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member dilemma
... when we’re placed in life’s test facing tough alternatives that dilemma heaves we are blest good discernment wisdom asked with faith in God sieves best’s scent our fate with God ......Read the rest...
Categories: sate, life,
Form: Rhyme

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