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Sardines Poems - Poems about Sardines

sardines in olive oil
Sardines in olive oil A shop in Lisbon exclusively sold sardines this interested me since my Norwegian mother had worked at a factory selling tinned sardines I asked if they had sardines from other country they didn't but told...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, absence, adventure, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Why Don'T They Give Up Sardines
Cats in costume on an October Halloween Dressed as robots, dogs, and a beauty queen. Tromping along in a line, from door to door. Smelling their chocolate candies, but wanting more. Why don’t they give us sardines? One kit...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, halloween,
Form: Rhyme

Finland, You Up Next Not For Reindeer Or Sardines
OCTAVE: LORD, as morn yields to noon (or dawn) my SONnet will please, tease, release: I greet thee, having access to Your throne by Jesus And His sacrifice on Calvary: We pray against the Virus With a sunshiny name,...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, angst, anti bullying, appreciation,
Form: Sonnet
imagine the sardines in the tube swimming round and round against an unceasing mock current do they know their place? Doomed to live as an aquatic chandelier as perpetual showmen for the sake of our “knowledge” Do they know? Im terrified to think that...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, poems,
Form: Free verse
Blood and Sardines
I was addicted to you from the very beginning They say people can be drugs, But i didn’t understand what they meant Until you came into my life. The sun shined brighter, The days were longer, The bids sung louder, Everything seemed...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, abuse, depression, hate, i
Form: I do not know?

Premium Member Sardines
Through the water they glide, an immense mosaic of millions of silvery fish on their migratory run, obeying a call immemorial, a mystery of aquatic unison choreographed by instinct primordial. They billow, a grainy smoke...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, fish, imagery, journey, life,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Sardines On the Sand
Sardines on the Sand Two Sardines danced hand in hand At their wedding upon the sand As a Herring played the violin. ...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Sardines and Hunger
Sardines and Hunger We are leaving tomorrow for Lisbon it will be Sunday and the traffic will be going to Algarve an obvious place that has little to offer but sand in your shoes and ready...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, addiction, adventure, allusion, angst,
Form: Bio
Salt and Sardines
When i was a little kid,my grandmother ate sardines out of a can and my grandfather drank his beer slowly shaking a little salt in each glass. These were my "good ole days". I often sit and i wonder...Read the rest...
Categories: sardines, faith, family, granddaughter,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things