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Finland, You Up Next Not For Reindeer Or Sardines

OCTAVE: LORD, as morn yields to noon (or dawn) my SONnet will please, tease, release: I greet thee, having access to Your throne by Jesus And His sacrifice on Calvary: We pray against the Virus With a sunshiny name, an aura of a name, "a garland" ... Corona Virus, COVID-19, or SARS-Cov-2, Thy Hand Is mighty and righteous, always Righteous, even in judgment God of Grace and Love, forgiveness and Provisioning Forgive me my greed, envy, jealousy, smallness and scheming SESTET: I intercede for others now, nations and peoples, as did Moses & Joshua All countries that begin with the letter "F" even if U need to teach us to be FAIR Bless little Fiji, so steeped in tourism & history (sugar slavery) now at peace Formosa, now called Taiwan, but so many islands, I cannot list them all In heart of Europe, Franc, once like UK a great colonizer, forgive France ... We forgive tourists & others as we're forgiven! CORONA time when unity begins

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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