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Salty Poems - Poems about Salty

Salty Poems - Examples of all types of poems about salty to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for salty.
We're sweet, or salty, depends on reason and sight... salt or sweet...let's...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, allusion, character, extended metaphor,
Form: Haiku
my sea has no shore
My sea has no shore Where are you, I have no clue The ocean is so big that I can't find the shore. My sinking boat has no sailor, Sailor, I have no support, The ocean is so big that I...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, emotions, life, nature, sea,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Ocean
Ocean the blue cat likes to suck on random toes taste the salty sweat ...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, beach, blue, fun, giggle,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member If tears don't run salty into the bowl of lentils of life, you don't know the seasoning of pain
If tears don't run salty into the bowl of lentils of life, you don't know the seasoning of pain, It's just a breeze, a transient wind over your infinite fields of indifference. When you weep, tasting of...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Stay Salty
Violently mimic the wind, stay salty yet flow like water; With an attitude stay thick skinned, violently mimic the wind; Keep poetry neat and well penned, then punctuate it to slaughter; Violently mimic the wind, stay salty yet flow like water....Read the rest...
Categories: salty, emotions, feelings, ocean, poetry,
Form: Triolet

Premium Member Salty Singularity
We're born- we live-we take-we give. We knead love while churning hate. Love comes through the curtain unabated then leaves with a clack, like the song of a raven. We sashay into open hearts... unleashing a maelstrom of fiery...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, betrayal, time,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Salty
Salty and bitter, But I am not a quitter, No, instead rather I am more of a winner Than the sorest of loser....Read the rest...
Categories: salty, inspirational,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Salty Breeze
I am here and there but I belong to somewhere with the salty breeze I fly low and slow watching what are the closest ...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, adventure, allegory, allusion, blessing,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Tantalizing
The tastes of spring jostle my taste buds to awaken. To stand up, Get poked out on tongue. Then to flick and lick, from the very tip of my tongue. Savoring the tantalizing, titillating, tit-bit tastes, that spring in season, rendered...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, food, seasons, senses, spring,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Single Salty Tear
Came the day he told me he'd found someone new and I stood frozen in both place and time. My heart was as cold as the Winter wind that blew and I recall clouds darkening the afternoon sky. Raindrops...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, cry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Seasoned
I used to claim, I'm just getting old til a friend said, "no, seasoned", with a gentle scold. It does sound better. I must admit, but am still pondering which spices fit? Was I seasoned by the sea with...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, age,
Form: Light Verse
I didn't know that all this could happen He thought that he was a simp But instead he was a noow He used to think that he was flexing yet cheugy This became salty when I got sus When his...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, anger, betrayal, break up,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Salty Rivers
If I were to close my eyes or dare to blink I'd sink in salty rivers of tears on my cheeks I wonder how long the flow will continue to linger My fingers tire but cannot wipe them...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, cry, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Jelly Fish
I want to become a jelly fish. Brainless Boneless Bloodless I want to float in the Ocean. Let the waves carry Me. Note.Please no injection....Read the rest...
Categories: salty, blue, color, creation, fish,
Form: Imagism
Sweet and Salty
Salty water has never tasted so sweet. Tears drop down my face and into my sobbing mouth as I savour my own pain as if it were the last thing I will ever drink. At least I...Read the rest...
Categories: salty, death, depression, mental illness,
Form: Free verse

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