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Saintly Poems - Poems about Saintly

Saintly Poems - Examples of all types of poems about saintly to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for saintly.

Premium Member A Saintly Great Dane
A Great Dane kind, giving, and mellow is Idaho’s most saintly fellow Whenever he’s near folks clap, chant and cheer: You’re the pride of all Pocatello!...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Last Wish
Jesus has The Last Supper While man yearns for the last wish To be fulfilled in life time In old age Wow He wants to travel round the world What a splendid idea A lot of money spend Pouring out like running...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, desire, jesus, love, people,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Saintly Solitude
Saints sight at senses and self-discipline Solicit sanctity and salvation Solitude, sustainable supplement Shows spiritual scholarly sources Showers significant serene success Subjugating suffused sullen sorrows. Seclusion sketches spotless sacred souls. SAVOURING SOLITUDE IN 7 LINES Poetry Contest Sponsored by: JCB Brul Date:...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, solitude,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Saintly Ambrosia
Padraig was a talented man stroked the harp in sack-cloth kaftan blew tin whistles sweetly sang harmony completely now immortalised on a Guinness can 24th February 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, appreciation,
Form: Limerick
Sonnet 9 'she Said a Thousand Things With One Sweet Smile'
She says a Thousand things with one sweet smile, And all that’s Broken comes together, repaired! The Buddha sat, sometimes, not saying a thing, Ah WHAT a LIFE together we have shared! For twenty-seven sweet years, we hurt and...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, appreciation, forgiveness, heart, love,
Form: I do not know?

Saintly Curiosity
Rock of foundation, precious cornerstone Allow our sparkling tears to ascend unto Your heavenly sapphire ears Hear the pleas of the lowly, and arise O, Lord to vanguard our righteous cause As sheep to the slaughter, we are carried to the bloody iron...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, prayer, religious, spiritual, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Courage and Saintly Grace
Letter To A Dying Friend What I saw of you at the meeting on Saturday was very different from what I heard said about you on Sunday night. I think not that anything had changed,...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, christian, courage, death, friend,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member For a Sweet Sable Saintly Mother
FOR A SWEET SABLE SAINTLY MOTHER Wearing her crown of pearly white hair, Her sunken orbs glowed with a regal glare. Her ebony hued, wrinkle hands, strong as stone Are monuments of the burdening labor she had owned. As her...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, black african american, celebration,
Form: Prose Poetry
Arise Gently My Saintly Lover
Arise gently as swiftly as you can my saintly lover Rotate quietly as the whispers of the breeze and breathe harmless love into the lord of my soul Silence! my saintly lover for the air has souls and holes and they...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, love,
Form: Classicism
Sinning Saints and Saintly Whores
Those claiming their religious pride With snide invective speech, Insult all those who don't abide With what that pride might preach. These sideshow barkers blowin' wind, Who count the coin each night Are parasites who...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, men, pride,
Form: Quatrain
Saintly Glow
Holy Saints light the way Illuninating a path to salvation Leaded glass aglow Matching waxy aroma Prayers to cleanse a soul Burning through darkest night...Read the rest...
Categories: saintly, faith
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things