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Saboteur Poems - Poems about Saboteur

Saboteur Poems - Examples of all types of poems about saboteur to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for saboteur.

If you're not a well-paid saboteur You should look into the job List me as a reference on your resume And on the day I get the call I'll tell them all about your Inability to accept responsibility And anti-social personality...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, anger, betrayal, boyfriend, break
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Self Saboteur
I can't decide what I want to do To either sink or float or hide The aim is to be obscured from view I really should decide Most of my problems are resolvable too If sense I just applied So I'll...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme

Gleeful roses turn to sullen churls, And virgin smiles of shyest brides Soonest morph into widowed furls; Sad victims of your ill-bladed tides. Swearing lovers of staunchest troth Must sample your bitterest swill too, And forfeit bonds of grandest worth, As...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, age, allegory, allusion, betrayal,
Form: Imagism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Our POTUS has no love for peace For profit is earned by caprice No treaty will bind Donald Trump's mind Its locked on to greasing the fleece!...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, betrayal, business, corruption, evil,
Form: Limerick
saboteur lying in wait in the camouflage of my unsure intentions acrid ants of doubt run amok in black swarms of errant motion fixed wings impaled by pins of lies goodbyes and busted dreams oh when did I fall and forget to get up how...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, depression, relationship,
Form: Rhyme

To a completely reasonable decree The angry onslaught launched in retort: “You cannot care about me…” Achieved the goal – direct hit. In response, you were muted. So still you might be departed. Yet I shot again, just to see...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
Amateur Saboteur
Best you had, Now that’s sad. Well I’m glad. I’m no fad, I’m ironclad. You alright, Not so bright. Can’t you fight, With this spite. Where’s the might. Times ago, Now shadow. Left me low, In the snow, You now owe. I then die, When I cry, To the sky, Up so high, When...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, lost love
Form: Free verse
You lodge that impeccable smile at me In such a beguiling fashion Thinking I don't have eyes to see You're fabricating your passion It's true I feel your powerful gaze That takes me to my knees But this love has seen...Read the rest...
Categories: saboteur, lost loveme, love, me,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry