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Row Poems - Poems about Row

Premium Member Musing on the Death Penalty
A double murderer Shot before a firing squad Justice or revenge? An eye for an eye So, the old law book conveys Punishment for sin Society’s way To rid town square of wrongs Yet, death row awaits The hangman stands by The masses don’t know...Read the rest...
Categories: row, 12th grade, abuse, death,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member In a row with my muse
I think my muse hates exercise; she flees whenever I row. A three day streak on the water: the verse refuses to flow. I’m not quite sure what the deal is, why it’s either this or that. Perhaps she carries a...Read the rest...
Categories: row, writing,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Front Row Tickets to Mainstreet
In a crowded room filled with high society, and In the facade of decadence, plays the Back Street Symphony Winos falling asleep covered in yesterdays news A lone saxaphone player, playing the blues Neon signs and desinger lines are...Read the rest...
Categories: row, allusion, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
We went to the movies, just for a lark. It was so romantic, there in the dark. Now, if I told you I met her inside, You would think I was being mean no doubt. But the reason we...Read the rest...
Categories: row, funny love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Third Row
Has anyone seen a heart, looking for its owner? lost mine short while ago jilted in the third row before the finale notch seven, her tally Has anyone found a heart? Surely no one wants two knowing what hearts go through, unless one takes them...Read the rest...
Categories: row, break up, feelings, giggle,
Form: Free verse

Wow Row
romantic romance romancing romanced romanticist romanticism...Read the rest...
Categories: row, romance,
Form: Other
Premium Member A Row Of Ducks
An ignorant duck breeder with a moat Put off repairing his dingy to float And he doesn’t yet know Getting his ducks in a row Means more than getting his ducks in a row-boat ...Read the rest...
Categories: row, animal, fun,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat And Pray to God she floats, Because not all streams are gentle. And some dreams become nightmares; Or leave us crying with wide-eyed stares, Or take away our sleep and make us worry, turning merrily, merrily...Read the rest...
Categories: row, children, song,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Life Sentence on Death Row
Back and forth the monkey paces Alone is his small backyard cage. He did not make his cramped cage, But the small cage makes him. Far away, he sees children in a park Running free and...Read the rest...
Categories: row, anxiety, depression, freedom, loneliness,
Form: Free verse
Fossil Fuel Row
The windows are closing in, and gaps are getting thin, mankind has paid the sacrifice for useless pollution on the surface of the earth and their lungs are filled with dirt. I look above...Read the rest...
Categories: row, animal, business, change, community,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member ROW the BOAT
ROW THE BOAT ...Read the rest...
Categories: row, how i feel,
Form: Than-Bauk
Premium Member Pat and Sam in a row
in my colourful world of lego, there was once a clash of big egos, postman and fireman blocked road halfway! Pat and Sam two old friends had a fray! Sam said as fireman, he had the right, Pat said I...Read the rest...
Categories: row, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Burial Row
Born of perdition’s rage and damnation his life was spent in vain Orphaned by every dead-end street where darkness hides the greatest pain Fear his lone relation among shadows with no escape Living...Read the rest...
Categories: row, death, funeral, life,
Form: Rhyme
G-rowing is rowing keeping the balance towards the light! Our fathers row when we are children. We observe how they do it. As we grow, we have to do the rowing. Harder than it seemed. Difficult to keeping balance. We fight against the current. Until one day, we learn...Read the rest...
Categories: growing up, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Urban Sailor
A nice Freudian Quote: " We are imprisoners in the realm of life, like a sailor on his tiny boat, on an infinite ocean." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row, row, the boat, love to feel the blast, Of sea wind over...Read the rest...
Categories: row, boat,
Form: Rhyme

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