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Roommate Poems - Poems about Roommate

Roommate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about roommate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for roommate.
Premium Member the home of glare
(a story in senryu stanzas) I get migraines. - lucky me - glare can set me off within seconds. I always have a pair of dark, polarized shades with me - it’s a quirk. When I was fourteen, we lived in Shenzhen, China very...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, humor, school, student, travel,
Form: Senryu
His Roommate
His aspiration to be couple Which defined might maketh Him lonely That I might be a sweet remind That he should suffer from his Labors And mi act to be define He chorest me that must suffer That I beyond his brow He chorest...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, allusion,
Form: Bio

Premium Member Fancy College Roommate
My new college roommate was a fancy woman She brought the most interesting pieces of furniture I had never seen such magnificence, and I told her She laughed at my delight in her “simple things” They were simple to...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, friendship,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Surprises
It’s the Thursday morning before valentine’s day. Lisa and I are scrambling to get out of our suite. We share an Organic Biochemistry class and we’re running a hot minute late. As we pulled on...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, boyfriend, crush, dance, school,
Form: Free verse
I Tell My Roommate Not To Worry Twice a Week After 10
there is a cotton feeling to it: the same sheets the same bed ...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, conflict, heartbreak, loneliness, mother,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A New Short Story - Sunny - Posted
The "poem length police have nabbed me again - so I had to put my new piece "Sunny" in the story story section. Here's the URL: the rest...
Categories: roommate, school, student, summer, teen,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Back In the Saddle
Lisa comes into my room and flops on the bed. The day had been uncompromisingly gray, windy and cold. The night sky was a snowy, blowing darkness, an absolute void that absorbed the campus lights...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, music, school, student, teen,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member New Short Story Posted
I posted a new story poem - too long for here - look under short stories Maybe this link will work… the rest...
Categories: roommate, crush, teen, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Broken Objects
Sunny and her love-object have broken up. It was a selfie-inflicted wound - a slapdash pic taken, that like a puzzle, revealed more than intended. We try and be thoughtful and considerate but we’ve only recently escaped from captivity. Perfectly...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, boyfriend, break up, relationship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Question
Leong (one of my roommates) squirms up to me at breakfast, in the cafeteria. “May I ask..,” she said, looking around like a secret agent getting ready to make a dead-drop, “what contraceptives do you use?” I...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, nature, school, science, student,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sleepy Popcorn
I couldn’t sleep. I was lying in bed watching the patterns reflected moonlight made on my ceiling when I heard the faint beep of the kitchen microwave. I smelled popcorn. I decided to fill up my...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, boyfriend, break up, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Shattered
My houseplant committed suicide. It came out of the blue - or at least - I didn’t catch the signs. I’d put it on my window ledge so it could catch some sun - it appeared to be...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, humor, teen,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Roommate
Roommate mosquito waits for me to hit the sack turns to a vampire, my hand strikes as a hammer, it flies out, I break my neck. ______________ August : 30, 2021 Contest : A Buggy Tanka Contest Sponsor : M.L. Kiser...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, funny,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Regrettable Roommate
Unhealthy human body, fighting its owner, in need of a Goldsmith months of hygiene malpractice, now counting as the sixth, his blanket of microflora possesses a morgue beneath weeks without touching water, despite the pretense quite stealth one, five,...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, health, hilarious, people,
Form: Rhyme
The Roommate
That room; And the bathroom too, She made them alien territory. My petty sentiments kicked in, And made me a slave to my roommate. The scented atmosphere, stockings; Frilly brassieres in plain sight, And blouses...Read the rest...
Categories: roommate, dark, emotions, feelings, gender,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

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