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Broken Objects

Sunny and her love-object have broken up. It was a selfie-inflicted wound - a slapdash pic taken, that like a puzzle, revealed more than intended. We try and be thoughtful and considerate but we’ve only recently escaped from captivity. Perfectly nice people are capable of unfaithful deeds. Isn’t that what so much of great literature is about? Our lives are written in disappearing ink, and it’s not as if all kisses are meaningful. We stretch for happiness or for fleeting pleasure - we’re not married and only vaguely committed. What would tempt you - what could you actually resist at 18? Or now - but maybe you’re a saint.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 2/17/2022 2:32:00 AM
“Our lives are written in disappearing ink” what a great line, Anais. I will ponder that thought today.
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Anais Vionet
Date: 2/17/2022 3:13:00 AM
Date: 2/16/2022 10:21:00 AM
Pheromones can quite successfully tempt you, most especially where opportunity exists! Good luck with that! Aloha!
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Anais Vionet
Date: 2/16/2022 10:38:00 AM
there’s temptation and then there’s TEMPTATION
Date: 2/16/2022 6:41:00 AM
Nice one Anais, well-penned with good imagery and insightfulness. Have a great day, Gordon
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Anais Vionet
Date: 2/16/2022 7:22:00 AM
Thank you =]

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