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Roe Poems - Poems about Roe

To Find Fish Roe Boat Must Row
want to find fish roe so boat we will have to row then can watch them grow...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Roe Vs Wade
The 70's brought a wake-up call, embracing some needed change. Some women with unwanted pregnancies were self-mutilating, so insane. It seems we are now regressing like a patient who's demented. Why would a women's right to choose...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, conflict, history, leadership,
Form: Rhyme

Life Vs Wade
We can't have a child. It's not a matter of want, of belief, of opinion. We cannot. Every doctor says, my wife will die. The child might live, or might not, but the love of my life will not, not a guess, not...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, abortion, children, life, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Women In My Family
Women in my family have to fight Fight to live fight to die One born premature with challenges With a heart so pure settling the balances She was a model name Tiffany Like her name she was very pretty Stayed...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, america, appreciation, beauty, black
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Were Spectators
I Our cry, silenced. We watch the murder of our freedoms Like spectators at a lynching. Our Twenty-first-century forbearance rubbed out, Our twentieth-century sensibilities never happened. High court corruption, A misogyny hell-bent on a 19th-century revival. In its myopic...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, abortion, birth, body, freedom,
Form: Didactic

Wade Then Roe Her Boat
wade then Roe her boat while for Biden we would vote poem of mine I wrote...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Scotus Ruling Overturned Roe Versus Wade
The regressive Supreme Court decision hustled, proclaimed, and voiced June 24th, 2022 immediately quashing pro choice option, struck down constitutional right (upheld for half a century - formerly allowing, enabling and providing the muliebrous population access to secure and safe abortion) and sent a...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unwanted
Unwanted You were never unwanted From the moment the Creator Touched you into life There was someone who wanted— To catch your first breath To wipe your first tear To kiss your first bruise To always be near From the very first moment Someone who...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, baby,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Roe Your Boat
Roe, Roe, Roe your boat Back to every state. Let the legislators vote; Wouldn’t that be great?...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, abortion, baby, life,
Form: Light Verse
Roe Weighed
Women have noticed with alarm Justice has lost all of its charm Despite lamebrains The fact remains* Doctors have vowed to do no harm! *FACT: One does not become an individual until the umbilical cord is severed. Until then, Matthew 18:9...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, abortion, women,
Form: Limerick
Ramsay Roe
I am Flight Sgt Ramsay Roe, and my memories have faded, Of my experiences in Burma, and their chronological order, But into my memory’s deep recesses i have dug and waded, Although the exact...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, courage, hero, history, political,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Will I Survive Roe V Wade
Eight weeks ago, my daddy's sperm connected with Mommy's egg. A miracle explosion of living energy; molecules merged, cells divided, multiplied, took form. My heart beats, my limbs move, and although I cannot yet see, my ears hear, and I feel...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, baby, birth, women,
Form: Free verse
Flee... Play the Roe
decent denial snoging the foe devilish decision fraternizing woe learn from apostle Peter... play the Roe...Read the rest...
Categories: roe, devotion, faith, inspirational,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry