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Rode Poems - Poems about Rode

The Spider Rode The Horse
the spider rode the horse the horse he rode as a rider the cow had wondered how the sheep was still asleep the worm then rode the horse the horse he rode on his turn the goat had not seen owt...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, animal, fun, funny, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member She Rode Her Horse named Romance
She rode a horse named Romance through the field that day Squirrel asked chipmunk, “Are they yet far away?” Chipmunk did not know, so he put his ear to the ground. They’ll be here in a few hours,...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I rode my bike west
I rode my bike west until I hit the ocean blue. No you did not! Argued an old soft shoe. I did, I replied, turning him into glue. He had called me a liar, so wouldn’t you?...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Disturbed over what she had planned for tomorrow. Often times she refused to me as included with her plans. What sweet sonnets sing ye the sound of togetherness tangled with romance an evening of love a night to dance Yes you my...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, creation, guitar, music, romantic
Form: Ballad
Premium Member I Rode Upon a Sea of Dreams
Last night, I rode upon a sea of dreams, a whale and grandpa rode them with me. I felt water hit me as I sailed in my bed; it was only the whale nodding his head. He splashed all...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, children, dream, fantasy, poems,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Where Once They Rode
Their sadness sounds from distant hills, Drums speaking strength, valor not lost Calling warriors to give might and will Victories now but at what cost. Now drums guide dancers' whirling feet Their sadness sounds from distant hills Warriors' hearts feel a...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, angst, dance, endurance, freedom,
Form: Quatern
Premium Member Horseju Rode Inon
Here's the news with anchor, Horseju Rode Inon Man claims to have been visited by a scary apparition With weird scary hair All straggly down to there It touched his dangly bits without permission...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, silly,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Rode My Tortoise To the Fair
I rode my tortoise to the fair To other pets he can’t compare I asked my mama what to wear. She said she frankly did not care. We thought people might stop and stare. Saw lady in her underwear. They did...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, 12th grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
They Rode the Stars
Tribute to Columbia’s Seven They rode the stars to See our earth on horses made By man… they were awe Struck…but something went Wrong…their lost is great…tears flowed Free…their jobs were done. Now, instead of space Walking they all do...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, tribute,
Form: Haiku
Rode Versus Waded
Though most Americans praise it Donald Trump has vowed to raze it Why leave it to fate When we can just mate And let Republicans raise it?...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, passion,
Form: Limerick
I Rode Shotgun
I rode shotgun with someone who look just like me Had the same skin color as far as I could steering wheel see I rode shotgun with a racist someone, who hatefully talked the same way as me Had the...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, anger, hate, truth, wisdom,
Form: Bio
Premium Member She Rode On the Back of a Cyclones Tail
She rode on the back of a cyclone’s tail. We did not put it together until years later. I am sure she was standing Probably did not fall once, knowing her. She left on the back of Hailey’s...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
The Man Who Rode Champ, Part Ii
...After twenty minutes of this Pat turned, and he made for land, steering Champy to a boat-launch where countless onlookers did stand. People all got out of the way when the beast swam up on the ramp, Pat pulled out the...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, adventure, analogy, crazy, drink,
Form: Narrative
The Man Who Rode Champ, Part I
If you’ve been to north New York, or the western side of Vermont, you might’ve head of a sea monster, the vast Lake Champlain is his haunt. The locals all call him ‘Champy,’ not to dissimilar to Loch Ness, many folks...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, adventure, animal, crazy, drink,
Form: Narrative
Jesse Rode With Quantrill
Jesse rode with Quantrill as did his brother Frank They were soldiers of the southland before they robbed a bank Quantrill was a hero to the southern rebels when He sort of lost control of his senses and...Read the rest...
Categories: rode, memory,
Form: Rhyme

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