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Rocket Launcher Poems - Poems about Rocket Launcher

Rocket Launcher Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rocket launcher to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rocket launcher.

Rocket Launcher
...Teray tattay tera Lora Lun lohay ka hathora........Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, adventure, sexy, slam, teen,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Future Plans
...I will be a rocket launcher he agreed. A rocket booster I will clearly need. Will you go to space? Or another place? New galaxy if aliens intercede.......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Cold In Summer's Heat
...All of him professes, she’s the best, four years later, his neighbour’s older wife, he sees better. Tongue, once a warm compress to her needy soul has been weaponized to be a devastating rocket la......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, husband, life, lost love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Fall of Berlin
...Fall Of Berlin There on the wall hangs a mixture of paint on linen, Leaving the impression of a city besieged, encased in ice; Purposely frozen in horror to remind the living, Of blood o......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, history, war, world war
Form: Verse
Premium Member An Icy Ballet
...Went to the park for a walk today Froze my bippy, as I trotted away To hell with a saunter Like a rocket launcher Was back before I started in this icy ballet......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, winter,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member An Icy Ballet
...Went to the park for a WALK today Froze my bippy, as I TROTTED away To hell with a saunter Like a rocket launcher Was back before I started in this icy ballet......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, autumn,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Palestinian's Engineering Dream
... Once I was thinking of building a shopping plaza, just along the Gaza strip But those Israeli's being what they are I thought my sales could take a dip So, I thought I'd build a set of tunnels,......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, humor, uplifting,
Form: Couplet
...I was ordered to travel to Mars. I enjoy traveling among the stars. When some people on Mars tried to open a gateway to Earth, they accidentally opened a gateway to Hell. Many demons came through ......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, dark, death, violence,
Form: Rhyme
What Gets On My Nerves
...You want to know what annoyeth me? Let me count the ways! I could weave a veritable tapestry of all my aggravations, mostly in light and deep crimson hues which signify the violence in my Heart. Eas......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, anger, angst, how i
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Good Side
...The spear was invented to kill before your opponent gets close enough to harm you. The Bow was invented to stop you before you can use your spear. The gun will stop you before you can ......Read the rest...
Categories: rocket launcher, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things