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Robot Poems - Poems about Robot

Robot Poems - Examples of all types of poems about robot to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for robot.
Premium Member Bad day at Stop And Shop
Jack had just escaped the local slammer He’d struck the sheriff's car with a hammer. He tried to look normal, in an aisle in Stop and Shop But he wondered who might be an undercover cop. Sally...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, chocolate, confusion, hilarious, humor,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Luddite
In the year 5555 Your arms hangin' limp at your sides Your legs got nothin' to do Some machine's doin' that for you From In the Year 2525 by Zager and Evans Luddite Robots that clean floors and pools Robots that assist with surgery Robots...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, science fiction,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member My Robot Brings me Six Meals a Day
My robot brings me six meals a day We started out with three, but he was sad He lives to please me in every kind of way His baking is good, his frying and cooking not bad Robot makes...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Only The Plants
An animal in search of a suitable zoo Learned to speak, read and write A man in search of a dream Successfully lost his ability to think A robot in search of a sense of humour Imagined himself...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, philosophy, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Circuits of Deception-An Ai Bot with a Sensual Glitch - POTD
POTD 3rd December 2024 Circuits of Deception - An Ai Bot with a Sensual Glitch Can machines feel emotion? This robot's tale of a deceptive upload might have you questioning. Can a robot be equipped with...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, desire, emotions, parody, romance,
Form: Prose

Fiat Robot
Up bright and early at the sound of the alarm It better not smash that snooze or else it might lose... The mighty race for fiat Up, alert, and ready is the robot A quick yawn, wash, and...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, how i feel, money,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Can You P an AI Robot Off - Bot meets feisty lady
Can You P an AI Robot Off – Bot meets feisty lady The great AI debate video – A humorous parody on AI and AI Robots versus humans. Watch to the end for the final...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, dance, humorous, parody,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Little Robot
Sitting In fields of green, metal eyes gaze up so high At twinkling stars above, listening to crickets lullabies Its circuits hum with joy in the beauty of the night For nature's melody fills its metal...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, beauty, night, peace,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I am not a robot!
I am not a robot! (What robots likely say) Like hetero’s fiercest advocates who sudden turn up gay. I am not a robot! How will we ever tell? A robot might could sniff it out… That is, if robots smell....Read the rest...
Categories: robot, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member AI GUY
AI GUY Though I write from my app, not my impassioned soul I'm praised and lauded as I play a poet's role Don't tell me I lie I'm just an AI Guy Subterfuge is my game and a trophy my...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, angst, humor, poems,
Form: Limerick
The future - present in the past... Travellers of time persisting. Duality - a duel of vast... In two with missions existing. Cyborg out for termination. Determination - soldier sent Whose purpose lies in salvation... Proposal - killing to prevent. Their race to...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, science fiction, violence, visionary,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Robot Who Wanted To Become Human
Looks like it goes as it should, and was supposed to be Who set this amazing order of things, I don’t know None of my business to ponder about what I can’t see Could...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Her Blind Date is a Robot
What an unexpected pleasurable delightful surprise. Her blind date is an aluminum robot with giant green eyes. He is trying to be charming, and she is pretending to listen. But the tears in her eyes are starting to...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Robot Fills Up on Gas
In 1952 a robot stopped by the Sinclair gas station. Walked up to the pumps and had an instant celebration. Gas station attendant was horrified but stayed away. As the creature filled up on gasoline that weird Tuesday....Read the rest...
Categories: robot, science fiction,
Form: Rhyme
Poems about Science 2: Computers
POEMS ABOUT SCIENCE: COMPUTERS The AI Poets by Michael R. Burch The computer-poets stand hushed except for the faint hum of their efficient fans, waiting for inspiration. It is years now since they were first ground out of refurbished silicon into rack-mounted encoders of sound. They...Read the rest...
Categories: robot, computer, earth, environment, science,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry