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Rigid Poems - Poems about Rigid

Rigid Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rigid to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rigid.
Premium Member Strong Enough to Bend
It was not very stately standing all alone, A small tree full of pinnate foliage, Had no appearance of being strong, Looked rigid, this songbird and squirrel village. Thought how vulnerable and helpless it looked, All by itself out there...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, character, courage, life, storm,
Form: Rhyme
Rigid Ego
Wickedness can be use for rapists But what will one attach to plagiarists?...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, art, betrayal, hilarious, pollution,
Form: Couplet

Lasting Impression
Flowers bloom Storms consume The sun does rise Clouds fill the sky Icy waves lick the shore Spoiled child slams their door Smiles cause wrinkles but so do frowns...... Map your face with grace because everything has ...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, confidence, conflict, fate, growth,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Rigid and Livid About Being Vivid
not only rigid about picture being vivid also am livid After looking at pictures of Afghanistan this is the poem that I came up with....Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Rigid Straightness
and it dawns on me while straightness aims for conformity it seems to clutter people's brains with madeup rules of shoulds and musts that snowball spitefully into rampant venomous chaos AP: Honorable Mention 2020 Posted on July 13, 2020...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, bullying, peace, people, perspective,
Form: Free verse

To Be Rigid and Firm
To Be Rigid and Firm Stonewall should be ridged and firm; Not allow things to wiggle or squirm; Did predict, Will restrict, Advance of whale which is a sperm. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Rigid Code of Obsessions
wheel ding utmost pro lix: scrum compulsions won despite feeling dog tired, (like a ton of bricks weighed me down) while seduced by the sun solar radiation from the sky...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Didactic
Rigid Mountain
Rigid Mountain There is a place where all minds go To the Rigid Mountain range Of blackened streams And hopeless dreams To stop and rearrange There is a place where thinkers sit On rigid rocks and broken clocks Of cedar trees And willing pleas As...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, art, emotions, encouraging, heart,
Form: I do not know?
The Law of the Rigid
The morbid law of the rigid It is a principle for the principal A belief that holds the total The standard not for the normal Above reproach, beyond nominal A law for the feeble and mortal A rule of tyranny...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, conflict, confusion, power, prison,
Form: Classicism
Nothing Is Rigid
nothing is rigid within the UNIVERSE except almighty GOD...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, philosophy, visionary, universe,
Form: Monoku
So Is Love Rigid
When you called me stupid, All I heard is sweet cupid; When you called me foolish, I simply heard you say polish; Wonder not baby; so is love rigid....Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, love,
Form: Rhyme
Wholl Teach My Rigid Beloved Benevolence
She lives there, across the stream By the jungle-side. She’s bathing in the broad shallow stream Every day with cockcrow, in the village outskirts. Her tall chubby body is wrapped up And she pulls off her tight tunic With toil. Unknots her...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, romantic,
Form: Ballad
Rough, Rigid Plains
When does a good soul turn bad? When does a happy face turn sad? The new day is here, and still not glad? What happened to your peace? Why has that also deceased? No need to rest in the west Because...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, visionary,
Form: Free verse
On Rigid Heel
You are the smokey love for which I bleed Between heart's stuttered flutter I begin To measure fertile 'core survivor' need When gone to spawn the spectral-dawn of sin. Pretension eats a little dignity Then...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, romance
Form: Sonnet
Rigid Tool
Case hard tool ...Read the rest...
Categories: rigid, animals, satire
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry