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Right Winger Poems - Poems about Right Winger

Right Winger Poems - Examples of all types of poems about right winger to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for right winger.

Animal Poems 2
...Animal Poems II These are poems about animals, limericks and other forms of doggerel. Ballade of the Bicameral Camel by Michael R. Burch There once was a camel who loved to hump. Pleas......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, animal, earth, funny, giggle,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Final Word - the Rainbow
...First introduced by God to Noah the rainbow stands for diversity for tolerance, for compassion though today the last two seem out of fashion Leave it to a 'fan......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, care, heaven, humanity, irony,
Form: Rhyme

Clyde Lied
...These are poems about animals by Michael R. Burch Clyde Lied! by Michael R. Burch There once was a mockingbird, Clyde, who bragged of his prowess, but lied. To his new wife he sighed, “When......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, animal, desire, humor, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Mallard
..."The Mallard" and other Animal Limericks The Mallard by Michael R. Burch The mallard is a fellow whose lips are long and yellow with which he, honking, kisses his bawdy, boisterous mistress......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, animal, humor, humorous, light,
Form: Limerick
We Need To Believe God's Word
...We Need to Believe God's Word! As we watch the daily news. We hear about different stories and views. I can't help but to wonder when some complain. Their beliefs aren’t "accepted......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, bible, christian, faith, god,
Form: Rhyme

Do We Want Man's Opinion Or God's Truth
...Are We Looking For Man’s Opinion? Or God’s Truth? I often watch the daily news. And hear about different opinions and different views. I can't help but to wonder when some complain. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, bible, christian, confusion, culture,
Form: Rhyme
My Word Or God's Word
...My Word... Or God's Word? As I often watch the daily news. I hear about different stories and different views. I can't help but to wonder when some complain. Their beliefs aren’t "accept......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, bible, christian, faith, god,
Form: Rhyme
My Word Or God's Word
...My Word... Or God's Word? As I often watch the daily news. I hear about different stories and different views. I can't help but to wonder when some complain. Their beliefs aren’t "accept......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, bible, christian, faith, god,
Form: Rhyme
My View Or Gods View
...As I often watch the daily news. I hear about different stories and different views. I can't help but to wonder when some complain. Of their views not being "accepted." But "contained." ......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, dedication, devotion, faith, forgiveness,
Form: Rhyme
Change We Can Believe In
...Highest expectations lightly linger, not forgotten, the extreme right winger.......Read the rest...
Categories: right winger, black african american, history,
Form: Imagism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry