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Rials Poems - Poems about Rials

Premium Member August
...August a month of birthdays and death. Upon the death of my soulmate's breath. Gifts of love, a grandson's birthday. Use of time together summer play. Stillness......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, august,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Earthly Life's Purpose
...Propped and propelled by God to live according to His purpose* Upheld am I to enjoy earthly existence midst divine upbringing Ransomed soul of mine keeps seeking ......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, christian, faith, god, inspirational,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Onomatopoeia Abecedarian
...Alley cats meow Bees buzz Canines bark Ducks quack Elephants snort Frogs croak Geese honk H......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, animal,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member The Pathless Path
...“fragrance of love divine, our pied piper, just following the scent, we climb higher” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thirst for divine union, the causation High and low we se......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, spiritual,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Joy of the Lord
...Joy of the Lord, indeed jubilant Offered for glad life’s optimization Yours and mine fully; surely… yes! Ordered to rejoice evermore* open......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Acrostic

Raindrops Don'T Remain
...R-aindrops don't remain, A-s days aren't often sunny; F-rom the time immemorial, F-alling rain is too ordinary. L-ife's woes and worries E-ventually fade away: E-ven the cold and black N-ight ......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
God Knows Best
...G-od knows best for man, L-earn to be submissive; E-ternal Father is omniscient, N-ever be blindly N-aive. G-od knows best, it's true, A-s we ought to understand; R-ecognize His wisdo......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Strong
...Strong, I am. Strong, I will stay, perpetually Trials and tribulations; adversities, they seem to Roll off my back, like dew drops on a lotus leaf <......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, endurance, power, simile, strength,
Form: Acrostic
Forever In God's Grace
...J-anuary twenty-eighth Saturday, E-vening chill is gone; N-ew light that shines I-s right above the horizon. S-ame and mutual love O-f the husband and wife N-ever will be broken even during h......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Eyes and Ears Enjoy
...J-anuary twenty-ninth day E-rases the cold night; A-fter the dusk is gone, N-ew dawn leaves the twilight. E-vening chill disappears, T-roubles begin to vanish; T-rials, pain, and heartaches......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Even If the Heartaches Stay
...N-ever will we lose hope E-ven if the heartaches stay; P-repared to accept things T-ill the very end of day. H-eartaches and sorrow A-re both becoming trends; L-et our minds think otherwise ......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Etched In Stone
...S-olid faith is etched in stone, E-ven your firm hope; T-rials and tribulations H-ave not crushed your goal or scope. M-any things have changed, O-n the twenty-seventh of July; N-ot for a......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Breathe Not Your Last
...B-reathe not your last, E-arly Monday first of May; T-rials in life are suffocating, H-eave a sigh of relief everyday. L-ive another fresh morn, A-fter the sleepless night; S-tart with a......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Let Not Your Walk Go Astray
...J-ust don't let your walk go astray, A-nytime and anywhere; N-ever ever go afield, E-ven during bad weather. M-ake the right choice, A-s you tread on the horizon; T-rials twenty-first of......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Raindrops Stop To Fall
...R-aindrops stop to fall, I-t's shining in the wide sky; C-oldest chill of the night H-as been warmed up high. E-very heartache won't last, L-ike the storm that comes and goes; L-ife's angui......Read the rest...
Categories: rials, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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