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Raindrops Don'T Remain

R-aindrops don't remain, A-s days aren't often sunny; F-rom the time immemorial, F-alling rain is too ordinary. L-ife's woes and worries E-ventually fade away: E-ven the cold and black N-ight turns into warm day. J-ust when the rain falls A-ll we see is the blue; D-ay first November morn, E-veryone knows it's true. T-rials and tribulations A-re only temporary; M-oments of darkest hours A-re things of the memory. Y-es, storms are brewing, under the sun they melt; O-ne thing is undeniable, rain and shine are felt. L-oneliness and sorrow A-re creeping deep inside; D-espite their sad effect E-ither won't be so wild. R-apture and happiness shall replace the pain. A-ll tears shall run dry, raindrops don't remain.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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