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Restricting Poems - Poems about Restricting

Restricting Poems - Examples of all types of poems about restricting to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for restricting.
Aurope is left behind
...Europe is stuck in the past Europe’s leaders have to see that the world has changed but continue to pursue a globalist agenda through the EU, where all of Europe’s nations from the cold North to tem......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, anger, creation, dance,
Form: ABC
Artic Air Assassin
...Blowing through my area for a few days gust making temperature bitterly cold rushing underneath my coat; soo bold penetrating my layers of clothing and boots siphoning my body natural warmth ......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, allusion, analogy, heart, pain,
Form: Free verse

...January 18 Faith in God Bible Meditations Based on Exodus 1-3 Key Verse – Exodus 1:20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. <>...Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, bible, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Capricorn Moon
...Feelings, they come and go. When one occurence hits the core; Memories of the past begins to play. I sometimes had to decide how to begin my day before I foreplay; As it turns out, the outcomes w......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, appreciation, feelings, me, perspective,
Form: Free verse
...December 6 Praises to God Bible Meditations Based on Galatians 1-3 Key Verse – Galatians 1:3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ. P......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, bible, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Alliteration

Premium Member Suffering
...Suffering wounds deep inside/ Felt like I been/ Sliced up by a switchblade/ Chopped to pieces/ Mind, heart and soul/ They keep beating/ On a scale of life support/ Suffering wounds, never endi......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, anger, betrayal, corruption, dark,
Form: Free verse
...taking me days and days, taking me weeks and weeks, taking me months and months, taken me probably a year. how the highest highs stoop down to the lowest lows, arresting me in handcuffs the har......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, extended metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Boredom
...Boredom. B O R E D O M! It encompasses the brain and swallows it up. Your vision becomes altered, you imagination takes control and the world becomes an unmanageable mountain of wet clay. U......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, feelings, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Freedom
...God sees all feels all no limits no barriers to His sense of worth and being -- made the ultimate love sacrifice, created a humanity from His Own Spiritual Substance -- made the ultimate l......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, christian, faith, god, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The brutes called human
... Legacy, paradox and affirmation Bound the human society Distinct from nature's other entit......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, conflict, humanity,
Form: Free verse
...I'm sick of you, Tired of trying, In love with your lies, A mind-made paradise, I made for myself, All sugar coated with your colourless words, That I dipped in my false hope I'm sick ......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, 11th grade, break up,
Form: Rhyme
...They see it as aesthetically pleasing The interconnection of a cultural clash Making diverse diasporas meet Distinctive city made out of filthy cash They see the blacktop streets absorb the spri......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, anxiety, beauty, childhood, city,
Form: Rhyme
dishing it out
...consenting adults locked eyes restricting the flow a shared submission......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, desire, passion, sensual,
Form: Haiku
Full of Breaches - Bitcoin Poem 072
...The history of fiat Is chock full of breaches Of centralized power That pushes and reaches Debasing our money The looters and leeches Gaslighting people With Keynesian speeches Where is......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Zen Mode we are, abiding in bliss energised stillness then an earthy agenda calls upon us to act for there is a mundane task to be performed in as ordained in our earth life role we so chose hesi......Read the rest...
Categories: restricting, i am, introspection,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry