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Resisting Poems - Poems about Resisting

Premium Member When Resisting Danger
My GreenLeft side resists AngryYang win/lose competing AngloPowers for making money commodified secularized MonoTheistic world conquering views Supporting GodGiven economic rights to colonize sinners, more easily divided from the AnthroHerd when not white not straight not male While my RedRight inside recovers from ancient wounds, frightened angry disappointed sacred sad absence of Holy Yintegral...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, earth day, easter, green,
Form: Political Verse
Resisting In the Times of Covid
the stoic resilience must stay lit... But I need to keep my guard closed and extreme caution... With a little luck to help to buy the ticket for a future insurance to come! It's not time to relax yet!...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, adventure, allusion, appreciation, extended
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Resisting Love
(form 5-7-5 kawanagi) no ties no bindings want nothing short of freedom take no prisoners Posted on April 29, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, freedom, friendship love, youth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Resisting
RESISTING the romance stirring the horses stampeding warm sands kiss the nights in rodanthe* whisper of blue hearts angry hurting eyes open wide see you as the storm hits its precipice letting fingers slide past falls away and the wise waves dance swaying with grief drawing close all the love you can embrace in a memory box carved...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, grief, love, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Resisting Boastfulness - Proverbs 27: 1
So foolish a thing it is to look past what is today for tomorrow can't be known no matter what one may say Better not to consider this for all boasting is vain learn much from proverbs wisdom such treasures learn to...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, bible, religious, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Earth falling towards the sky, Another final, frantic cry. Turning and twisting inside and out. The clocks are ticking, there is no way out. A death of a man, than a woman and child. Bodies everywhere falling into the aisle. Hoping...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, dark, fire, holocaust, murder,
Form: Rhyme
Are You Living Or Resisting
Two questions: Are you living? Playing, laughing, and smiling Joyous, loving, and happy Whatever you do in life, do it right Or are you just resisting? Working, praying, and stressing Afraid, thinking, and angry Be careful, live full, the rest of your...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, fear,
Form: Verse
So, demon then, think not you’ve won I’m not your prisoner, you hold no key I chose my options with careful thought I will not be yours, rather, be set free Know this for certain, you have no hold No...Read the rest...
Categories: resisting, imagination, life
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things