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Repeater Poems - Poems about Repeater

Repeater Poems - Examples of all types of poems about repeater to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for repeater.
Premium Member They Say He Is a Loser
...They Say He’s A Loser They say he’s a loser and repeater But he ignores them and stays in battle He’s really a brave army and trooper For him, to die for homeland is noble. He keeps ......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, soldier,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Umbrellas
...I could find in all of my short childhood, No umbrellas around our neighborhood; Farm-workers used palm leave woven structures, That resembled head-gears said in scriptures...! Our school lay l......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Genuine Connection Bob and Wheel
...First or can I please stick around? A piece of the encore mixed with the morning’s sound I would like nothing more; Second kisses are much sweeter, Guard down letting you in; No better......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, emotions, feelings, love, romance,
Form: Other

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Fantastic Faultleness-
...I crave fantastic faultleness Love Loved you Yet you treated me like a dog You tie me up outside in your heart's yard Ever so repeater this again and again I'm not your man You're not my ......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, absence, anxiety, farewell, lost
Form: Free verse
Horn Infuriating Haiku
...Horn Horrendous Haiku Leader Who Is a Meter Reader trump looks like a leader had become meter reader stutters and repeater wonder what is next trump took things out of context ......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Darkness Cry For Light
...A world of darkness that's a void of emptiness inside A bottomless pit that has no end as you fall deeper A wall of shame showing past regrets you cover and hide A waterfall of sadness and sorrow ......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, appreciation, blessing, care, dark,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Great Escape
...German resistance well-noted within prison encampment Rambunctious brood neath an underground network Erasing traces under so-called watchful eyes Allied soldiers, hund......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, character, motivation, moving on,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Let Us Build a Tower
...(Lines on a visit to a repeater station) See it stretching to the sky contained in a cloud Jacob's ladder grows from the ground. What angels in overalls and rubber extremities periodically......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, future, technology,
Form: Verse
Assigned Seats
...I feel through senses You feel common sense I avoid the fences You embrace the suspense It wasn’t a choice To follow the leader I too, want a voice Not just a repeater But we have assign......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Mimic and Me
...It is unfathomable, I say. Chance, the village repeater, says, “UnFAM-IT-BLE!” and smiles at me. Louder than I was, but with more feeling. I cringe, pre-seeing how this village meeting might unfo......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Light Verse
Never Settle
..."Never Settle" by: Eric L. Boddie Never settle for disrespect Because that's exactly what you will get Never settle for inferiority Because, of all, that's the worst sorority Never settle fo......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, abuse, art, deep, encouraging,
Form: Couplet
Repeater Phone
...its end shall be soon the dandy fan thinks the moon just a merely stone old smart ass baboon hard worker older mason rings like elder phone......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, adventure, humorous, sound,
Form: Senryu
The Genius
...Nikola Tesla came to America in the 1880's to work with Thomas Edison, a lot of his brilliant ideas getting patented by others who had a bank run, today being the anniversary of his dying poor in a......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, betrayal, blessing, for him,
Form: Clerihew
Peter and Rita
...Peter met Rita He was so pleased to meet her They went on a date, so Peter could treat her On the date, Peter challenged Rita to a game of cards (He thought he could beat her) In the game, Rita......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, funny,
Form: Alliteration
...Sexy sensual silky smooth seductively smart Sebastian Charismatic cool comet crashing creative chemical concoction Over thinker overseer overwhelming Revolving six shooter raw rhyme repeater Purp......Read the rest...
Categories: repeater, character, me,
Form: Acrostic

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