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Receipt Poems - Poems about Receipt

Receipt Poems - Examples of all types of poems about receipt to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for receipt.

Premium Member Limerick Quality Assurance
The limericks that herein you meet Were tested for pressure and heat. Confirmed for all nozzles, And yet, if one wozzles, Return, if you kept the receipt. ...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, confidence, fun, funny, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Receipt
They walked into the bookstore…a young girl and her mother and as they browsed throughout the store they held hands with one another. I love the innocence of the young for wherever they chose to look The little...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, childhood,
Form: Rhyme

I Got Humanity Here- I Am Here To Return It -Its Broke But I Have the Receipt
Basically quite happy if i was on the planet myself friends that turned to fiends family drifted away went for a fitting for in but didn't picked at the uluars Strang has took an e We i r do do welcomed hope the...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Receipt 2020
Your Available Heart Balance: 200.00 Pending Transaction(s): 1 MERCHANT: Year 2020 POS: $120.00 - The Death of my mom $15.00- Struggles with alcoholism $10.50 - Body pain due to being overweight $59.99 - The loss of my companion cat $8.99 -...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, depression, heartbroken, how i
Form: Free verse
When We Would Meet a Receipt
Always could compete when we would meet a receipt then trump would go tweet Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Of Course I Love It Who Would Not
Gorgeous Christmas sweater. Festive balls tickle me In a tender, delicate place! Kiss. Kiss. Smack. Smack. Love it! Looks like me? Was it the fat Christmas elf with the crossed eyes? The red and purple hair? The tattooed chin? Of...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Receipt Please
Receipt Please Bar Coded, black printed lines code blue, scan the check, percent, percent, lost sku... Recheck the check, second guessed, false or true, Prints report, the number sport, win or...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, allusion, introspection, nonsense, symbolism,
Form: Couplet
The Guy Who Forgot His Receipt
There once was a guy named pete Who find out there was nothing to eat So he went to the shop Bought a dozen mops But then he forgot the receipt!...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, children, fun,
Form: Limerick
Can't decide if there's anything ever worth sayin' Done a lot in 23 years but feel like I've done nothin' Opportunity cost, I hear the clock tickin' Killin' time in Vietnam people watchin' Seeing the way these ppl...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, change, community, corruption, courage,
Form: Rhyme
Allow me to advise to those that listen, on who you give your heart to. A part true, I had and have scared few. None of this part new, but there's something I have to...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, love
Form: ABC
Gift Receipt
Christmas is the time to kindly say gift receipt me please, Just in case the gift you give me don’t fully decorate my trees. When you shop there’ll be no need for you to put in a...Read the rest...
Categories: receipt, funny, holiday, christmas, christmas,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things