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Realistically Poems - Poems about Realistically

Realistically Poems - Examples of all types of poems about realistically to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for realistically.
Premium Member Way of Life
...Life, as if fear itself bestowed Fantasy of a act in human life Betrayed drama of what is to be Or wickedness of a species breath inhale Mind illusion to a dream's reality They push thought......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, absence, character, humanity, imagery,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Some Final Thoughts for 2024
...It has occurred to me that as I grow older and use my life experiences more, everything means more than it did before. So, here I am, at the end of another year soliloquizing about myself, studying m......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, age, appreciation, introspection, philosophy,
Form: Prose

Premium Member Hidden Accounts
...Administrator incommunicado Acknowledging nymphomaniacs Reclassifying philosophical Ideologically Transcultural Pronunciation Calligraphers Communication demilitarized Grandstanding orchestrati......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, perspective, word play, work,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Real Dreams
...Real dreams Dreams come true. All of them happened in the dream life, in the dream level of mind Yes, to live at this level is a wonderful life, wond......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, fate, future, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Vanishing Point
...what lies beyond the invisible not everyone cares for that direction the vanishing point where some of us linger I can't tell you I can only tell you of yearning ......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, angst,
Form: Free verse

Hit by a train
...,,Would you rescue someone who would get hit by a train?" ,,yes" ,,then you are just overly stupid." ,,And why?" ,,because you would get hit too" ,,And?" ,,What And? Are you crazy? It doesn't m......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, 8th grade,
Form: Free verse
Mischief Managed
...You were anticipating shallow water Instead you fell in the deep end This water’s a shade of blue you haven’t seen before You forgot that curiosity killed the cat Explains why you would you go a......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, feelings, heartbroken, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member They Called Me Doc
... Yes, I'm your huckleberry, but I do not like you because you are too much like me; having a big hole in your heart. Like me, you are mad with the world for having ever been born. But unli......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Questions 4 Later 2 Answer
...A person of substance who has morals and character Having this about their persona questioned by someone Least of all someone completely lacking such characteristics Will can and would never eve......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, slam,
Form: Free verse
... Governed by technological greatness Gearing with gigabytes catering to all generations Groomed am I, 5G, to handle gargantuan task globally… Girded for high-speed connectivity yon infor......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, appreciation, character, christian, god,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Winter
... The first thought of her isn't so nice. You must think of her at least twice. Some must muse of her at least thrice, and often, that doesn't suffice. The fact is, she's as cold as ice. But s......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, winter,
Form: Free verse
World War Iii
...Comrades,Wars are the deadliest conflicts in human history If the world countries face a third world war re......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, 10th grade, 8th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Filler Or Familiar, Make Space For Ace Implement
Categories: realistically, anxiety, change, farewell, friendship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Brief Letter To America
...Dea America. Most times, you make me smile. Sometimes, there's a joyful laugh. Occasionally, I mourn for you as Sadness and tears fill my heart. There are forces trying to tear us apart. But ......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, america,
Form: Free verse
The Ravishing Rain
...Drizzling, dazzling splinters of diamond           Shards of crystal or  liquidized glass!       Transparent drops from a translucent sky.        Ooh, that lucid lustre: No wonder they say,......Read the rest...
Categories: realistically, rain,
Form: Villanelle

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