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Hit by a train

,,Would you rescue someone who would get hit by a train?" ,,yes" ,,then you are just overly stupid." ,,And why?" ,,because you would get hit too" ,,And?" ,,What And? Are you crazy? It doesn't make any sense when it is meant for the person to die there." ,,you are heartless" ,,Nah, I am seeing things realistically." ,,So you want to live with the suffer that you could've rescued the person?" ,,dude" ,,I would even rescue you" ,,Doesn't make it any better, stop to flatter" ,,Okay, Okay I understand. If you see he's just 2mm from the train in distance then ofcourse you know you can't jump in, then you would lend yourself in death." ,,that would be suicide" ,,Maybe, but you just tried your best though" ,,dumb" ,,but if you have the feeling you could help them from the arrival death then you hold them a hand. A danger for that is acceptable." ,,No it's not" ,,My god will know." ,,People are overly weak, "your god", wanted it to happen" ,,you are stucked in dirt. You in the situation are in a much larger danger." ,,What does that mean now?" ,,It's a test" ,,Tsk, you with your "tests", shut up, you are not looking logically into that at all" ,,God created us on one type of Level. Can't read your mind sorry" ,,dumb" ,,then I am dumb thanks" Why does he even ask when he can't live with other choices or opinions, what a idiot.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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