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Tuna Fish, Beer and Seed

As a child, men of science warned me 
about the coming of a second ice age. 
They flashed pictures of stomping mastodon 
hungry saber tooth cats
and giant sloths with enormous claws.
I listened closely and was frightened 
but I was all in and took quick action.
I learned how to build an igloo 
by stuffing snow into hollow plastic blocks.
I sharpened the end of dozens of sticks
to battle the giant cats and mastodon.

Now, Bill Nye, Mr. Gore and Hanoi Jane
are warning me of imminent global warming 
and biblical flooding rarely seen.
I'm taking them seriously.
So, I'm stockpiling tuna fish, beer and seed. 
and building a tiny arc just for three
as I'll never have two of everything.
There's only the cat, an olive-eyed dove and me.

Copyright © Anthony Biaanco


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry