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Oh, what a hideous subject to cross my path,
Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication,
Percentages and fractions, those I can grasp,
But the rest, oh, I wish to throw you in the pit,
I can’t see your point of view no matter what you do.

To me, you're the dragon that bites off my head,
A vicious lion, while I’m the innocent bunny that is caught in your claws.
You're the shark, and I am the fish you are gobbling up,
So don’t pretend that you're a friend to me.

I truly dislike you,
When you appear on my screen.
I imagine a million ways to get rid of you,
I'd toss you in a garbage disposal,
Watch you grind up into a million different pieces.
I'd throw you into the deepest part of the ocean's,
I wouldn’t be sad as I watch you sink.
Oh, if only I could launch you into space,
So fast that NASA would think you’re a UFO.
I wouldn’t regret your departure,
So far that you crash-land on Jupiter's third moon.

But in the end, it’s all just fantasy,
For it’s clear you’ll most likely be the death of me,
Before my school years are through.

Copyright © Selena Jackson


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry