Do You Ever Stop and Look Around?
We live in a beautiful world
So lucky we are, nature gives
but we take far too much
nature as I speak is crying.
Go for a walk away from every day life
look up into the sky, mountains a-high
breath taking soar high up on most sides
some are snow covered, others we see green.
Grass and trees fill their slopes dipping down
to valleys full of flowers and bubbling brooks.
shy animals peek out as we pass them by
around each corner awaits another surprise.
With such beauty how can we treat it so badly
we send pollution into the air, why I ask?
when we ourselves need to breath it,
is product so important we ignore the damage?
I, for one would rather see nature thriving
if we carrying on as we seem to be doing
this earth as we know it will become barren
is that what we want? I dont believe it is.
So I say lets act while we can
our world is worth saving
approach our governments
let them know this is unacceptable.
If enough of us make a stand
we can still save our beautiful world.
Copyright ©
Shadow Hamilton