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Here, One More Clever Lob

Musk is stuck in mire, plumb like door knob,
Smart enough still he tries, hits a lob
From safety of baseline,
Trying to look benign
As the sole crazy soul for the job!
Happenings | 03.02.2023 | humour

Poet’s note: Some time back reluctant Musk was forced to look for a CEO for Tweeter. He agreed, provided he finds ‘someone crazy enough to accept the job’. In a tweet he showed his dog, ‘Floki— The new CEO of Tweeter'. Who else but a dog can be crazy enough to opt for the job? Tweeter is increasingly becoming a millstone on Musk’s chest. See also the earlier limerick ‘What a clever lob’.

Copyright © Aniruddha Pathak


Book: Reflection on the Important Things