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Rarities Poems - Poems about Rarities

Rarities Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rarities to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rarities.
Beneath the Veil of Ignorance
...In the vast expanse of existence, Your world, I find, fails to captivate my senses. Unfortunate days, like wayward wanderers, Don the garments of absurdity, Parading their disconcerting presence.......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, allegory, allusion, america, analogy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Virtual Rarities
...VIRTUAL RARITIES techniques  transformed to explore  the potentials &  possibilities of   modelling the initiative&  generatively  appropriated & reimagined renditions surrounded by......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, poetry,
Form: Other

Premium Member Treasure
...Our bond shall always be a treasure, As its worth has always been beyond measure. Like how words are hard to find, Times we’ve shared are buried in your mind. I swear though, I will always rememb......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, best friend, friendship, friendship
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Broken Pieces
...Broken Pieces There is a rare and beautiful vessel of pottery Moulded and shaped to an exquisite piece of work The potter’s loving hands have taken great care To bring it to perfection. It is ......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, analogy,
Form: Free verse
Smoking Cigarettes and Sipping Coffee
...Many-colored and candle-lights; high beyond the soft trees a fresh country leans heavily toward the night, far beyond the sea’s shady shore. Beams, o’er wide fields like a white star, \till from t......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Turning Red
...The same people who are demanding I put a suffocating thong over my face are the same ones who lift sieves from borders and invite in the slag along with the gold the ones with no respect for la......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, america, anger, angst, anti
Form: Vogon Poetry
Premium Member Ravishing Rarities
...Ravishing Rarities ranunculus reigns rhododendrons resplendent roses radiate Some Socialize swifts soar, swans swagger swallows / sparrows socialize sandpipers scatter ......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, bird, flower, tree,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member My Friend Bill
...My oldest brother David died a few years ago at the age of 79. Were he alive, he would be 85 which is about the age of my friend Bill. Bill believes in me and has always spoken well of me. Bill ......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, allah, friend, god,
Form: Prose
...If you found a fragment of an ancient Greek vase in sand on the edge of the surf, you can find as well all the others, provided that you have an eternity. A time; a sea; salty and warm ......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, giving,
Form: List
The Beauty of You
...The Beauty Of You As rare as a butterfly in the snow Or maybe a weed that will not grow Perhaps a candle light in the rain Perchance a baby born without any pain The unlikely chance of a rainb......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, beauty, butterfly,
Form: Rhyme
I Meme, Therefore I Am
...forgot what I had set out to remember when my deconstructed self discovered there was no authentic anything saw through it all every granule how we became the unwitting tools of smarter people w......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, crazy, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Harvest Time
...HARVEST TIME Golden yellows, mixed by rum reds, Plum lavenders spice, these are the Colors of autumn. Textures layers blown across the lawn, Leave it lay, rake it not, this variations Of deco......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, adventure, america, autumn, beauty,
Form: Free verse
...The picture was precious. The infantilism made one breathless. The pupa indolence was exquisite in form. I watched those transmogrifications transform. Diamonds in the ruff would bring the monarch pr......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, birth, butterfly, character, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Vanquishing Fear
...Vanquishing Fear by Odin Roark Her unwritten diary Read of descriptions glittering private Her hourglass of diamonds Where forever truly destined forever Her beauty mad......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, hope,
Form: Free verse
You Or Are Your Eyes the Green of a Shamrock's Leaf
...Are your eyes the green of a shamrock's leaf, or your nose the tide that comes and runs? Is your skin the plains of pearls and perplexities, your hair the curtain to a rainforest peace? Could be yo......Read the rest...
Categories: rarities, beauty, caregiving, love, nature,
Form: Ode

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry