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I Meme, Therefore I Am

forgot what I had set out to remember when my deconstructed self discovered there was no authentic anything saw through it all every granule how we became the unwitting tools of smarter people who really weren't smart enough concluding if this is life you can imagine what death is like I can tell you this much we are alone in this galactic theme park alone as a lizard on a sunny rock what percent of the totality of all there is in all the universe do we perceive and what do you see with nothing absent this question failed to sweep through the bum fight arenas where they need permission to think no escaping that free means battle which goddammit means not free shouting to anyone my agent will sue as the lines grew longer and the bread grew shorter the sly ones were trampled by their own venality order was quickly restored destroyed restored etc. the pace was feverish so were the faces on State TV at 6 and 11 self denialists saw their heads roll down the lane towards the ten pins at Bowl N' Boogie in an educated kind of idiocy for which there is no help a scandal of poor illumination you never know which is the foreground and which is the background discovering heaven is not overhead OK I’d better let up on the enthusiasm too many grimacing faces in the popcorn too many bushwhacking gargoyles plump like 3-D bratwurst in this Biblical sauerkraut mamodrama making the world lounge safe for my blindfolded baptism for both the seen and the unseen beneath the scum covered water on a need to know basis I now reveal a deadly secret there is direction there is magnitude densities and rarities we mime we imitate we steal what we are and are beaten with sticks for having a mind and knowing it I meme therefore I am Defection Control had him by the throat blow a kiss to the camera it's all just a really big index From "Engine of Didactic Beauty" available on Amazon Artist Portfolio:

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 3/9/2016 11:21:00 PM
Another impressive piece. "what percent of the totality of all there is in all the universe do we perceive" << An incredibly (incredibly) small fraction ... perhaps it adds to the beauty and our awe. Your title is killer. Unfortunately character limits on this site don't allow enough space to pick out favorite lines ... so I'll just end with saying, you are one talented poet.
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Alter Avatar
Walter Alter
Date: 3/10/2016 10:30:00 AM
After 70+ years living on this planet with a decent set of eyeballs, you begin to figure stuff out independent from ideology or neurosis or mood swing. We all have so much to learn, so many habits of thought to toss into the dustbin of history.
Date: 2/29/2016 6:06:00 PM
Great write, I love all the rolls you have placed. I'll check out your book.
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Walter Alter
Date: 2/29/2016 11:18:00 PM
I like to switch between first person and second person. It's like I'm an observer to the chaos that rains on me, or used to, as well as the one experiencing it all. Observer and observed. Not a bad place to learn from.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry