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Rally Poems - Poems about Rally

Hot Rally Soup Note: Must be prepared in July
Take one demigod from the melting pot Give it a Mega-phone (the louder the better) Mix in a heavy dose of Fox News, make it a bit overbearing In a separate pot, mix 70 million evangelicals 2...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, abuse, allusion, anger, corruption,
Form: Prose Poetry
Peace Rally
A sea of faces lifted to the sun, banners rippling, a kaleidoscope of hope, voices rising, a chorus against the storm. Footsteps echoing on concrete, a rhythmic pulse, a pilgrimage of the weary, the wounded, the wise, seeking solace in...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, peace,
Form: Free verse

Hand Of God
In divine intervention, a fate aligned Trump rally chaos swirled, a grace defined By God's own hand, the light resigned. Amen! © daniel miltz...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, america, god,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member At the Rally - Victory
Frantic movement and commotion Fist-pumping, foot-stomping emotion Slogans shouted, cheers abide Endless cheers of ‘He’s our...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, emotions, flying, political, sound,
Form: Couplet
Alphabet Soup a Riddle
Without further interruption a game, riddle. Abyssal void manifests a skeleton and a cloak, he has a sickle but is no reaper, plays cards instead. Dealt in a kraken with all sevens, four on the board but the dice are...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, dark, deep, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse

rally to polling booths
seasons shift so do eras moughal era british india era parliamentary governance era america;russia may make an offer to grow to next level but make india sovereign dependent britain with brexit may grow english speaking population to next level but make india...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, evil, fear, freedom, future,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Gumball Rally
We entered the Gumball Rally My driver was “Backstreets” Tally With his crazy fast car We still couldn’t get far Bad math, no gas, in Death Valley ...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, adventure, car, crazy, fun,
Form: Limerick
Tally of Rally Vacated in Valley
tally of real rally had been vacated in valley submerged by sally (evaporated in valley) (a vagrant ((virgin)) in valley) (very variable vaunting veracity vibrantly voiced in valley) (got eaten in gally) (took God for granted in galley) (has a lot of gall...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Matters To Sleep Over
Gritty matters to sleep over, Round last decision not hover: One should not before a rally Say things that do not just tally: Food for thought for mister Sally Liable to dilly dally... Begging issues to think over By even big...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, courage, cry, devotion, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Rally Chants
Psychedelics increase Poke fun at police Make Love ~ Grow Peace...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, drug, fun, love, peace,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We All Rally, Trying To Fix Her
We all rally; trying to fix her. None of us were experts, and now we are screaming That we are I know the most about this, my brother is a nurse I know how to fix her, my sister...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Rally, Rally Around Me
We are free today to speak our minds. by the sacrifice of men and women, Who died from the words they spoke. and from passion and actions, it evokes. Rally, Rally around me words, We shall win,...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, america, celebration, christian, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member How I Organize a Rally
No Holding Up Signs, No Chanting, No Looting, No Crimes, No Soliciting, They approach you, not you them, then you hand them the literature for the cause of this organized event, and if per chance you are asked any further questions, about...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, political, self,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Car Rally-Senryu Quartet
all red, white and blue joyful shouts filled the autumn air hope shined, not despair God's smile on the earth positivity and mirth faith blessing gold air riding through my town two thousand Americans joyful and very proud freely did express with goodwill, not destruction free...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, america, patriotic, pride,
Form: Senryu
Delhi Rally
when military wage war people should rally delhi be city of rally bombay is mumbai calcutta is kolkata madras is chennai delhi be city of rally when military wage war people should rally delhi be city of rally border states be strengthened borders activity...Read the rest...
Categories: rally, anxiety, hurt, stress, surreal,
Form: Sonnet

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