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Radar Poems - Poems about Radar

Radar Poems - Examples of all types of poems about radar to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for radar.
Premium Member Doubts
Doubts are always hiding/ Inside each of us/ Life is hard/ We will never be rid of it/ Lurking in the back of the mind/ In dormant mode/ Only to be shot forth/ Like a bullet/ To keep assaulting one's mind/ It's hard not...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, betrayal, character, conflict, deep,
Form: Free verse
At Seventy I can no longer fly under the radar
At 70 I can no longer fly under the radar, And now my family has started making plans for me, That decides how the 70-year-old me, Should spend any time left to me, That they see as uncontestably for...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, abuse, age, allusion, analogy,
Form: Burlesque

Spiritual Radar
When I hear your voice in my deep asleep I say ," I am not sleeping in front of your millions eyes , my radar that see many things which are happening in the world ...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, desire, feelings, happy, inspiration,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Just Below the Radar
Mediocracy Along the simple path we plod ...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, allusion, metaphor, perspective,
Form: Monorhyme
Radar Na vida ou nos negócios tenha esperança e fé, juntos, esperança e fé é como um radar que vê através do nevoeiro — a realidade das coisas. Mesmo no centro de um furacão não há lugar mais seguro do que...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, business,
Form: Free verse

Doppler Radar
Santa snoring loud with Doppler radar tracking Christmas is coming Contest: Hi-KU (3) Sponsored By: Brian Strand Date Created: 12/21/2020...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, christmas,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Under the Radar
Beneath the dark blue veil Of a moonless midnight Under the radar Without a bleep A camouflaged whisper Mystifies and mortifies In a most roundabout Conniving way A shiver shudders A murderous mystery Not leaving a hint or clue AP: 2nd place 2020 Posted on October 9,...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, dark, mystery, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Below the Radar
I like to keep a low profile and a lowlife profile....Read the rest...
Categories: radar, age, america, analogy, animal,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
Lost From Radar
rolling glass shimmers calm sea in a morning’s light holds more hidden tombs...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, memory,
Form: Haiku
Predator Metaphor
At a spot of roadside, shaded A predator on the prowl Concealed itself and waited for prey to run afoul… Then, madly, with a dash, It shot out from the thicket; Nabbed one prey, in a *flash* And slapped it with a...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, metaphor, scary,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Men's Radar
Men have radar when it comes to pretty ladies It keeps on keeping on, though still in our eighties Thought by now Be grazing with cows Like a hard-charging bull, I snort and roar daily...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, love, senses,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Do Birdies Have Radar
How come birds never run into things Are they born with radar under their wings Humans should take note Strap a radar gun under our coat Instead of ending up with our head in a sling...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, silly,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member You Light Up My Radar
There’s something inside me that knows when you’re nearby. You cannot sneak up on me; it’s funny when you try. There must be something in the air, a noise without a sound, ‘Cause you light up my radar...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, love, romantic, senses, song,
Form: Lyric
Below the Radar
beneath the wind that blows the schemes & the mundane reality of which most breathe, there lies a place just below the radar--- here one makes decisions for themselves as a representative of one in a disposable world as a...Read the rest...
Categories: radar, life,
Form: Free verse
Death, Under the Radar
Drones, Silent with The gaze of a Peregrine Falcon, that Descends Surely, swiftly, Bringing death. No trial by law, Just obliteration. And like the Peregrine, It knows no borders....Read the rest...
Categories: radar, death,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry