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Quelling Poems - Poems about Quelling

Quelling Poems - Examples of all types of poems about quelling to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for quelling.
Tells and Trails of War
...All the calamities are meant to quiet noisy minds asking too many questions The signs of angst & friction is an attempt to rub us the wrong way quelling what our minds have to say In these day......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, perspective, philosophy, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The direct path
...In the void soul takes a consciousness leap but to get there we must leave mind behind, whence in staid stillness thus, we go in deep, becoming over time, divine aligned. Love the litmus test for......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets

... Gripped with freedom gear Driving well, sans fear Our son whirls in joyous spree Quelling my heart’s shout Smiting mother's doubt... He champions victor’s glee! In special wheelc......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, appreciation, blessing, child, christian,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...A petite yet sinewy muscle, exuding charisma, A citadel of expression, tenacious in awe. Its tentacles sting with a vindictive jest, While cavernous blooms cradle the nectar’s quest. Cobblest......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, power,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Prayer For the Uppermost
...Queen of Heaven, Lady of Solitude, Sovereign of the Universe, Opener of the Way, Mistress of Angels, Hail, O Builder of the Universe, Graceful mysterious rose, Refuge from despair, Gate of ......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, allegory, gender, light, mythology,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Gift of Recovery
... A black cloud envelops my sky Threatening to rain down a torrent of pain Oceans of commotion swirl in my brain And I try to bandage the wounds in vain I see only the receding vist......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, angst, growth, hope, motivation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My oblivious eye
... Here on the cusp of all things, is where I succumb Ceding my stuff blindly, toward oblivion and none Unwilling to persevere, without a modicum of fun Listing in perpetual stasis, til the spas......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, deep, life, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather
...I hanker and pine for wood burning stove weather I haint no spring chicken, ("Buk buk buk buk ba-gawk!") but in Summer re: long in tooth sexagenarian nostalgic for the following imagery ev......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, age, allegory, appreciation, celebration,
Form: Free verse
... June 6 Praises to God Bible Meditations Based on Job 22-24 Key Verse – Job 22:26 For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God. ......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, bible, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member QUIESCENT
..."The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:18 of King James Bible Quiet moments with God Quench spiritual thirst Qu......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Renewal continual
...Animating attention in thought rested stillness Beauteous bliss beats ushers elixir of wellness Cajoling head and heart to entwine as lovers Decoyed not by deluded desire that hovers Eme......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, spiritual,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member Smiling At Death
...One by one we saw close ones die But ours was not to question why We sank each time but rose again Holding strong and quelling hearts sigh Bound to form and attachment chain Suffering deepened......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, death, death of a
Form: Rubaiyat
Premium Member Kindness
... Glimpsed in the heart Who smiles its promise, genuine Hope, inspiring a lightness Resembling the dreams of a life Who sees the good, stirs grace With gentleness, abiding sweet Acr......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, appreciation, beautiful, blessing, christian,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lord God, You Are My Tear Wiper
...May 12 Relationship to God Bible Meditations Based on Job 16-19 Key Verse – Job 16:20 My friends scorn me: but mine eye poureth out tears unto God. LORD GOD, YOU ARE MY TEAR......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, blessing, christian, faith, god,
Form: Rhyme
Shooting Sixty Four Rapids In the Time Stream
...Shooting sixty four rapids in the time stream Powder milk biscuits helped yours truly, a Norwegian farmer wannabe feel bold enough to weather inclement steady rain which swirled, pooled, and ......Read the rest...
Categories: quelling, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry