The direct path
In the void soul takes a consciousness leap
but to get there we must leave mind behind,
whence in staid stillness thus, we go in deep,
becoming over time, divine aligned.
Love the litmus test for thought, word and deed,
which when ingrained, soul’s from ego unchained,
then we live as of need, not as of greed,
heart pure like snow, no longer by lust stained.
The choice to be as such depends on us
and this is where free will comes into play
because we must choose to board God’s love bus,
holding firm our focus that tends to sway.
Ramana’s inquiry was ‘who am I?’ ~
Let’s discover the truth before we die
Let’s discover the truth before we die,
since there’s no solace in the holy book,
for how can we be sure if scriptures lie
and true meaning of the texts monks mistook?
If God’s omnipresent, He must be here
and so we must feel him deep in our bones
but all that we sense is deep angst and fear,
seeing body decay, which ego owns.
The question then is, how should we begin,
other than entering the void of space,
hoping emptiness will cleanse our soul’s sin,
that magically we imbibe God’s grace?
Bowing our head to sages who awoke ~
First things first; head and heart with love we yoke
First things first; head and heart with love we yoke,
for each life breath, thanking God very much
and cravings of ego, ceasing to stroke,
simply by relinquishing thought flow crutch.
Material to the ethereal
is the shift of our consciousness required,
that in direct sight we see what’s real,
which means head and heart need to be rewired.
We’re told body dies but our soul lives on,
so let’s serve soul and not this feeble form,
thus outcomes any, as we choose to yawn,
we become nonchalant in every storm.
Reworded, we dwell in the vibrant void ~
We’re no longer by lower mind decoyed
We’re no longer by lower mind decoyed
and have discovered how God-search to start,
that pristine presence pure and unalloyed,
in time dissolved silence, shifts to the heart.
We seek nothing yet all is enabled,
in as magnetism is activated,
since no agenda is by us tabled
and wayward ego now decimated.
We do nothing yet all doings are done
but either focus on soul, not on ego
and we soon see all existence as one,
as clear wisdom which we directly know.
Throb of Holy Spirit in heart rises ~
Bliss activation brings new surprises
Bliss activation brings new surprises,
revealing we are spirit, not this form,
so doing what soul’s muse so advises,
with laws of God we begin to conform.
Universal consciousness is our guide
and since we’ve dropped each conditioned belief,
without fear in the void we wingless glide,
even though our sojourn on earth is brief.
Poised as formless awareness Self-aware,
we become that we had set out to seek,
without effort by choosing to outstare
ego, and dancing with love, cheek to cheek.
In timeless cessation, coming undone ~
Polarities unite, all becomes one
Polarities unite, all becomes one,
which is to say we return to the source,
shining as the light of the central sun,
accomplished without any use of force.
Recognising we are God’s living light,
feeling complete, head to toe bliss replete,
we yet see we’ve barely commenced our flight,
being still bereft of agape love’s tweet.
We descend to ascend that soul may learn,
how love, wisdom and power are instilled,
for which on earth as we willingly burn,
we become the flame, as God Himself willed.
As we can see, ego is the blockage ~
Now’s the time dear heart, to turn a new page
Now’s the time dear heart, to turn a new page,
simply by turning attention inward,
quelling fires of desire that in heart rage,
rejecting cravings of ego wayward.
No sooner we so choose without excuse,
Holy Spirit pervades each cell of form
and love and light becomes our soul’s sole muse,
engulfing us in love’s benign bliss storm.
Ceasing to size as we so vaporise,
we find the universe is within us
and as this clear knowing we realise,
vagaries of life no longer nonplus.
Body rests, mind dreams, thoughts cease in deep sleep ~
In the void soul takes a consciousness leap
Copyright © Unseeking Seeker | Year Posted 2024
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