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Put Away Poems - Poems about Put Away

Put Away Poems - Examples of all types of poems about put away to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for put away.

Premium Member The Blazer’s Put Away
The Blazer’s Put Away The blazer’s put away now, The medals in their drawer; The polished shoes and formal tie Back where they were before. Commemorations over, Reunions all finished; Stories spun, marching done, Old friendships undiminished. Bands no longer play now, Applauding crowds have...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, memory, military, remembrance day,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Put Away the Tree
The time has come to put away the tree. Her Christmas charm has faded over time. A month ago she greeted all with glee. Now she appears the victim of a crime! Disheveled lights and ornaments agree, the tree tells...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, christmas,
Form: Ottava rima

Premium Member Sonnet 21, Old Hiking Shoes
Sonnet 21, Old Hiking Shoes (Spenserian Format) Don't grieve for me here on the attic shelf; we're joined infinitely as one, you said. In an old moldy box now, by myself; my place was there tucked well under your...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, age, best friend, care,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Put Away Your Screen Today
Things that make me happy bring a smile or tears of joy they have no monetary value sweet gifts for every girl and boy So take off all those blinkers Let the light shine in Put away your screen today And...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, appreciation, inspirational, joy, nature,
Form: Free verse
Put Away Childish Things
Put away childish things yet keep the childlike wonder. Though dreams be rent asunder our wishes still have wings. Put away childish speech but not the constant queries that question rooted theories which reason cannot reach. Put away childish ken, though artless ways of...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, age, childhood, death, feelings,
Form: Verse

Put Away Your Sword
Put away your sword Sir and step into the light. Only words hold sway here. Not that way, There is nothing that can save you there, All the words there have been poisoned. There are words there in the dark...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, appreciation, dark, destiny, education,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Put Away
In a picture she looks young Beautiful caramel hair Green eyes that light-up and dance His love once romanced In a picture she looks old Shiny platinum blonde thin hair Green eyes that are now fatigued His love put away ...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, humanity,
Form: Dodoitsu
Put Away the Pears
I tried to have conversation But they screamed me out of focus They left me no attention span By the use of hocus pocus Oasis is double sag We see them on display We want to practice tasting them Though these ****...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, humor,
Form: I do not know?
Put Away Fears
be mean get on your dream make your boby lean be strong carry on stop the tears PUT AWAY THE FEARS...Read the rest...
Categories: put away, adventure, black african american,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things