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Providing Poems - Poems about Providing

Providing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about providing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for providing.
...If the Earth accepted defeat and let the sun burn her, what would happen If the Fire didn't believe in itself and slowly diminished, what would happen If the Space never wanted vastness and sta......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Scotch Tape Sweepstakes
...Scotch Tape Sweepstakes The easy to handle sticky sided material made of a variety of materials, including cellulose acetate, polypropylene, PVC, and adhesive (alluded to in the title) appli......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

A Lonely House in the Steppe - 5
...A Wonder in the House In this house, there’s a wonder, truly rare, Something strange that hangs heavy in the air. In her repeated prayers, a name came to light, “Qusayin, the Ishan,” gave him a......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, prayer,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Clouds Of the Future in the Present Day Part 2
.....continued from Part 1: Mass censorship is sadly all pervasive to the uninformed and relative luxury smitten blind, A World view bubble, Idolatry, Idiocracy Creates all sorts of ......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, environment,
Form: Prose Poetry
Stillness in The Storm
...Stillness in the Storm It isn't too far from a conceivable image, To perceive the vast and forgotten knowledge; What was and still is a, yet-lost tho recoverable innate and usable norm, We h......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, extended metaphor,
Form: Political Verse

Turning the maxim familiarity breeds contempt on it's head
...Turning the maxim familiarity breeds contempt on it's head... not just in time for Valentine's Day but the remaining days of our lives as the world turns on all our children the young and restle......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, absence, adventure, anger, anniversary,
Form: Free verse
In the Waiting Room
...An hour in the waiting room – You look around and see All kinds of folks in varied states Of some uncertainty. The old and feeble being wheeled By aides providing care And little babies, so ......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, health, people,
Form: Rhyme
Head Locksmith
...I’m not shy, but sometimes I don’t speak up when My insides are mixed up, and my words are stopped by a gate that’s locked, and the only key is sanity, that coincidentally falls off my broken ment......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, mental health, thank you,
Form: Rhyme
Crime busting Houston police smoke out disjointed fur rats house
...Crime busting Houston police smoke out disjointed fur rats house... formerly an abandoned Amazon warehouse went to pot with mold and magic mushrooms growing in every spot. All kinds of vermin ......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, africa, america, animal, food,
Form: Free verse
...To be a night nurse takes skill and grace, Caring for patients in this darkened space. With every step, we must be alert, Ensuring their comfort, never to hurt. We check vitals and administer......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, abuse, age, anxiety, birth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Short Burst of Flame, Being Here
...Notice: In the greater scope of things… No matter how strong each is in arriving Little matter, for when arriving Each arrives alone … surviving to need. ‘Alone’, I say We arrive Each ......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, adventure, death, dream, life,
Form: Free verse
They got the whole world in their hands
...They got the whole world in their hands Worth north of a trillion dollars, (plus or minus a billion dollars here and there), the unnamed obscenely rich, (which top 15 billionaires projected to......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, america, anger, angst, bullying,
Form: Free verse
Australia day
...2025.1.26 It is Australia day, congratulations. There were so many different opinions. National day or Devided day? Celebrate the Country or Morn the Invasion's history? To avoid the political......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, celebration, january, nature, places,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Within this lucid dream
...Abstractions rely on the manifest, as immanent souls too seek transcendence, providing for presence a merry fest, realising life’s interdependence. Negating nothing, embracing the all, in is-n......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, spiritual,
Form: Sonnet
12-24 rack screws
...In the environment related to server racks, a wide range of 10-32 rack screw nuts of various types is available. But to be able to off-load machines with a heavier weight or very strong tension, 12-2......Read the rest...
Categories: providing, internet,
Form: Free verse

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