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Protrude Poems - Poems about Protrude

Protrude Poems - Examples of all types of poems about protrude to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for protrude.
Premium Member Rats in the Cellar
...Rats in the cellar, squirrels in the tree, things aren't the same as they used to be. When I left for school with my li'l lunch pail, I didn't expect a penguin to swallow a whale. Such an inj......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, dark,
Form: Rhyme
I'm not okay
...I feel as if the image I display of myself is quite far from my true being; my raw sentiment is unable to protrude through the thick mask I lay above my face. The perpetuating fear that people will l......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, angst, anxiety, beautiful, cheer
Form: Dramatic Monologue

I Can No Longer Fight You
... {“You can’t fight for what’s left in you, You cannot fight against the waging war that disrupts within you. You can’t be against it, it was fulfilled with nature, the nature of you with every i......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Life After Death
..."House of lies, pride and bone, The gauzy instability in my augmentation, I feel the hostility commence deep into my lanes. I prom in the masquerade of the mirror and cannot identify myself as an e......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, absence, abuse, addiction, anger,
Form: Free verse
We Smile and Smoke our Hearts out at The Mere Thought of You
...{"Chipped nails, I would gnaw for when you screamed at me. Chapped lips, for when I would secure them in between my teeth at the mere reflection of you for a brisk second. Outbreaks protrude on the f......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, absence, abuse, addiction, allusion,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Bone Beach
...Great surfing you may not have guessed can be found in the upper northwest. In a full rubber suit the great whites think looks cute, the dawn patrol shreds the gnar best. Seems the beaches wer......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, beach,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Telling Hands
...His once smooth, light, tender hands Now callused, rough and worn. The veins that once were hidden now Protrude as purple strands. Baby skin, now savage wounds Display how muc......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, jesus, love, true love,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member My Twilight Dream Catcher
...My twilight Dream Catcher. Sweet melodies tug at my heart strings. The waves roll in as the blue whale sings. As empty moonbeams fade, In the cosmos evenly laid. Layers of complexity. ......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member It Started With A Blank Canvas
...Forces of the universe produce a wonderous array of spectacles afar. Monstrous planets rotating around just one lustrous inferno of a star. Myriads of illuminated stars are part of the yet unex......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, universe,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Elysium Soul Onset
...  Written: January 05, 2023 ___________________________________________ As a river beckons and brittle stripes  of soaring reeds swell, with a faint breeze and a sturdy hedg......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, analogy, appreciation, dream, first
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Timely Message from a Mighty Monarch
...A mighty monarch had a dream, the kind that makes men stir and scream. In mid-earth grew a large, strong tree, It was so tall that all could see. A holy one gave the decree, to cut down and d......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, atheist, christian, fate, god,
Form: Rhyme
Shall I Compare You To An Unknown Angel
...Fancies be, beauty is real Its seductive power to feel And unfading hearts of glee Protrude amazing love to see. Your comeliness happy life speaks And in darkness sparks light. Song sung in t......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, 12th grade, beautiful, beauty,
Form: Rhyme
...A sideways grin, With spots up to your chin. Fuzzy horns adorns Your Velvet eyelashes, And your eyes from within. So friendly you seem, With a smile that beams. Your chin whiskers protru......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, adventure, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Platitudes of Exactitude
...Platitudes of Exactitude Platitudes of exactitude redefining my whole attitude Don’t want to seem rude but I can’t help but conclude That the truth will protrude From a form that just wants ......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, international, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sweet the Spiritual Heart
...The joy is flowing through your veins The blood speaks life in your breathing it explains The life flowing through you living energy Spirit truths first then it's physical identit......Read the rest...
Categories: protrude, appreciation, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

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