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Profonde Poems - Poems about Profonde

Profonde Poems - Examples of all types of poems about profonde to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for profonde.

little conversation with Paul Eluard great french poet
...No, my friend Paul, it’s not about saying everything, And we do not lack time, But the point is to say what you love, to love what you say, Like a saxophone solo in a New York club, To say that......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, dedication, literature, thank you,
Form: Free verse
i see the ocean
...64 I see the ocean “I see the ocean” Who can say that every morning? Who can say “the boats are not gone.” Even the sea knows my secrets, “I’m tired of men”, “I am tired of empires, Who......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, appreciation, love, ocean,
Form: Free verse

Giving You Coal Flowers
...Wait for the shutters to be closed, we will enter an enclosure in complete silence, like a deep cave which I don't know the way. My eyes will ignore all of the lights; there will be no more w......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, dark, flower, hope, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...POEMA GACELA Con la esperanza de ver tu rostro, yo, como un árbol me sequé Te abrazo con deseo divino esperando el amanecer y me sequé. La esencia de Dios es lejana, grande y profunda. Acaric......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
Decisions Part 1
...e temps passe rapidement Et vient le temps des decisions Faut-il quitter ou le Liban Ou rester a la maison ? Faut-il travailler ou continuer mes etudes a l'universite? je ne sais pas quoi deci......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Tali Karng:Le Serpent Du Crepuscule-Transl Go W Les Russell's Tali Karng:Twilight Snake By Wignesan
...Tali Karng : le Serpent du Crépuscule – Translation of W. Les Russell’s « Tali Karng : Twilight Snake » by T. Wignesan (W.Les Russell, b. 1949 in Melbourne, joined the Royal Australian Navy – ......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, allegory, fear, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Daisy Bindi - Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Daisy Bindi By T Wignesan
...Daisy Bindi – Translation of Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s « Daisy Bindi » by T. Wignesan L’esclavage à Roy Hill, quelle honte profonde misère: Les noirs obligés à travailler sans paie l’année durant, ......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, discrimination, freedom, inspirational, leadership,
Form: Rhyme
...Claquée j’ai quitté mon lit douillé J’ai peur de sombrer dans ma tête souillée Dans mes rêves je suis toujours exilée Je n’ai jamais trouvé le sommeil espéré J’ai savouré le mal qui me trépa......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, self,
Form: Lyric
Ad Amore, Ii
...Beatrice Discerno in te come s'agona la libertate onde 'l superno seme da la fatal famiglia vi disclona. Ora viatico non sia teco la spe......Read the rest...
Categories: profonde, angel, beauty, blessing, innocence,
Form: Terza Rima

Book: Reflection on the Important Things